Help with getting the hatch right

Hey fell eggmates , question, is 86f really the ideal temp for a brooder,(duckling) I'm.planing on leaving him in the bator 72 hours he has plenty food n water, how should I adjust or keep the temp or humidity during the 72 hours
I take mine out of the incubator in just a few hours. Rarely leave them longer than 6-8 hours, but that's up to you.
Brooder temp is best to let them tell you. Have warm and cooler sides, watch where they spend the most time. If they stay out of the warm side, it's too warm. If they huddle directly in the most warm spot, they are likely too cold. They should go back and forth whenever they feel the need to move.
The other 4 still have yoke our side but they are starting to get really quite and are not moving much now is there anything I should be doing to help as I'm not sure how long it takes for the yoke to absorb.
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Thanks katie246 , I only wanted to leave this only duckling in because he was born late and seemed lethargic, but I'm gonna set him up the brooder today , though we have a cold front I don't know how this is gonna play out.
Gig. He's EATING!! nice big mouthfuls, just saw him take 2 then I walked away I like to give them their privacy and no interruptions when eating and drinking, especially this miracle bby.
That's great news I still have 4 in the bator they are still attached to their shells by a tiny bit of umbilical so I'm just going to keep them there for a bit longer and see how they go. but the one in the brooder is calling for them because they can still hear each other.
Transfered to brooder, with red heat lamp, far corner 100 Cady corner 85, put him on top of a pillow case and covered him, I know this sounds funny, but will he need a bathing bowl, dose he need to keep his webs hydrated?
Excellent news, I remember my first batch of chickies slept about 12 hours a day at least for the first 4 or 5 days, I think this ducky might be the same. Those weak chiks turned out big n strong .
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