Hen Contest! *Ended*

Precious (pictured as a pullet)

Barnyard Mix [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] She knows she's beautiful & gets upset if we try to photograph any other chickens. [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] As a hen, she still has that "in-your-face" attitude. If she sees a camera, she must be in the frame. ....I also learned to never attempt to take a picture with Precious on my lap She'll even "strike a pose" while molting!
She is so pretty!!!!(when she's not molting) Do you know what she is a mix of?

Name: Flo
Breed: Silkie
Age: 1 year old
Gender: Hen
She is so pretty!!!!(when she's not molting) Do you know what she is a mix of?
She was a mostly gray chick with a little gold on the face. Her under fluff is gray with smooth golden feathers on top. Never saw one like that & was told she was an Opps. After admiring her, she somehow she got slipped into my purchase of black australorps as a packing peanut. Ended up rehoming the bully australorps, but no way could we get rid of Precious. She lays BIG brown eggs & likes to follow me around & "chat" (Most of the time is whining for treats.) I'm wondering if there's Sussex in her mix. I read they are a chatty breed. The whining for treats reminds me of my orps.

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