Hen Contest! *Ended*

Easter Egger pullet


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This was our sweet Blue Wheaten Ameraucana - deceased but still in our thoughts:
"Taffy" at 5 months - Pullet

"Taffy" loved to snooze in the doghouse - Hen

Cuckoo Breda - "Charlotte" strolling by the mirror to admire her own vulture hocks - Pullet.

"Charlotte" - Pullet 5-months - tripping over her own feathered feet to grab a treat!

"Phaedra" - Blue Breda - Hen

"Phaedra" - Hen - this camera hog would smile if she had teeth!

Black Silkie - "Mini" - her black feathers faded to rust from a summer in the sun - Hen.

Black Silkie - "Mini" sporting a "hairdo" of cobwebs and straw - 5-yr-old Hen.

Black Silkie "Mini" - Pullet - AHHH! Standing in front of a breezy fan on a hot day!

"Mini" as a 4-month-old Pullet running outside after escaping the house in her chicken diaper!

Dominique Pullet - "Xena" - a constant keyboard hog!

Dom Pullet "Xena" taking a cozy nap.
Summerb123, I would like to withdraw from the comp, Speedy died today. I don't know why, but very sad about it! Thanks for all your help. xxx

oh no!!
so, so ,so sorry!!!!! (call me Summer ;)
but the contest ends in 30 mins.! and kinda hard to go around images but just we will judge him or her and go on with life!!

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