Hen (roo?) attacking my son (Photos added- post #11)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 12, 2011
Virginia, Western Goochland
I have a hen who will cut me off as I cross the yard and jump up to peck me. I usually pick her up and hold her upside down while telling her my favorite stew recipe and she behaves for a few days. I feel like I can handle her challenges, but my 2 year old son is terrified to go in the yard! She has gotten him twice from behind. I added a roo to the flock last week and I though he would set her straight, but he hasn't so far.

Any suggestions?
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Our nastiest chicken is a hen and we have 3 roosters. She's definately a hen because she lays eggs. She's a Bantam Cochin and her sister is very sweet, she's my daughters 4H fit and show bird and behaves perfectly on the table. This one is nasty. She bites people and tries to chase everyone. She treats the other chickens like that too and usually ends up by herself in the yard because no one else wants to hang out with her. We just brush it off because she's too little to really hurt anyone but I have learned that hens CAN be just plain mean.
Some hens are, thats for sure. But as long as they lay good... Oh well, BUT I would not tolerate the hen terrorizing my kid no matter what. She'd have to go, either for dinner or some one else.
from Michigan
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I don't have a recent photo, but I am 90% sure she is a hen. I only have 7 hens and I got 7 eggs one day last week. I will get a picture up tomorrow.

I assumed she was a rooster for a long time because she is so aggressive.
I'd get rid of her. Do you want your little boy to be afraid of chickens for the rest of his life? Even if she doesn't "hurt" him physically, he's already terrified of her. Hopefully if you get rid of her soon enough he'll be able to be comfortable around chickens again.

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