Hen w/ leg injury- caught on camera- but what caused it?

Mar 26, 2020
Frederick, MD
I know I posted security cam footage a few days ago and also discussed a wyandotte hen with a limp (Tooty Bell), but this is a different case entirely.

My 4 year old SLW, Maleficent, is not bearing (bareing?) weight on her leg. I went on my camera footage to see if I could determine a cause. I've attached the video here. Maleficent can be seen on the camera all morning moving around like normal. (She's always had a bit of a hitch in her get-up, or a waddle, which you may notice that int he video but it's normal for her). Anyway, she was fine on camera all morning, and then suddenly she just seems to freak out. She takes off flapping, careens into the feeder bin, and then takes off to the far side of the run. She is no longer putting any weight on one of her legs.

I have her in a small dog crate for now so she can't move around a lot. I can't see anything obviously wrong with the foot/leg. She isn't a cooperate patient, but doesn't react noticably to me moving the leg/toes. In fact, she reacts more when I move the legs/toes on her good leg.

Is it possible she was stung or bit by something too small to appear in the video? I'm in Maryland and we don't have an abundnace of dangerous critters. Perhaps a bee that was in the dirt and not flying? It's yellow jacket season, and we do have mason bees that live in the run, but they've never caused any trouble. I did find a massive fishing spider in the brooder 2 days before, but I'm pretty sure they aren't venemous. Also, the fishing spider was big enough that I'm sure it would have shown up on the camera footage and/or been eaten by another chicken. Maleficent is the darker of the two SLWs in the video.

My husband is convinced she was stung by something and we should give Benedryl. I'm thinkinf more along the lines of aspirin for pain relief. I will also give her some turmeric, blueberries, and/or cinnamon since they may act as anti-inflammatories. Any thoughts on what might have happened?
Such a sudden panic reaction does point to something stinging her. Wasps are notorious for such an attack. The sting can be excruciating. I know this from experience. I get stung once or twice a year by the evil critters.

I don't think she needs Benedryl. You probably can't find the sting site, but if you can see reddened tissue, perhaps some cortisone cream will help with the pain.

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