henny1129's Chat Thread! Anyone welcome!

Lol! :lol:

Wow! I would think Canada would be cold!
well Canada can get really really COLD sometimes and really really HOT at sometimes. It's that country
I bet that was fun!
Welcome to BYC and Abbey's thread!

So, a few of you know that my brother has been struggling with an unknown illness for some time now. He's been rushed to the ER several times where he gets nauseous and so weak that he can barely lift his arms. Yesterday, after being home from work for a while, he was feling sick again. He's (and the whole family) is "sick" of sickness. So, sort of jokingly, he said ask gra whent eh next Benny Hinn thing is. Momlooked it up and h wouldn't be in PA till next month. Billy Burke's name popped into mom's had, so she looked him up. He's in Pittsburgh (home fo the Steelers and Pirates!) today and last night! That's 2 1/2 hours from where we live and it was 4:00PM wwhen we saw this yesterday. The thing started at 7:00, doors opened at 6:30. We all jumped in the car and went. The service was ony supposed to go till 10:00PM, but it went till 11. Since we were going to be up all night anyways, we traveled another 20 minutes to the actual city and took the incline plane up Mount Washington. The veiw of the lights and city was amazing, you could see PNC park (Pirates) and a lot of other stuff. At this time, it is midnight and at the lookout on the top of the hill, we're busy snapping pictures and to our surprise, firworks started going off on the other side of the city! and we had the best view! Anyways, the service was recorded and I'm sur we made it on the video several times, but one of the most memorable parts in the service was where all us "newbies" had to stand up and introduce ourselves and where we were from. It was no coincedence that behind us was a cross-eyed girl who came from the same area as us. She was healed. She was able to see perfectly!
We'll be going back again tonight. Say a prayer for us because we'r all exhausted (got like 3 hours of sleep at most) and we won't get home again till 3:30AM. Friday we'r going to Teen Challenge farm (the men's) to do worship there. I'm kinda nervous because even though I love to play violin, it'll be in front of 150+ people and it's been a LONG time since I've plaed in front of a crowd THAT big. I'm really nervous and stressed.

Other good news, I've been training my mini horse. After a minor accident that hurt both of us a few weeks ago, I decided to try a diffrent approach after some suggestions from others. I decided to start with "breaking" the head shyness. After ONLY ONE half hour session working on this Thursday, today I was able to rub his bad ear! This sort of encouraged me, even though it is small, it's a BIG improvement for little Eli. I've never touched his ears and he not jump to the side or try to nip me.
Sorry for the late reply, but I'll definitely be praying for you, your brother, and Eli!


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