Henpecked girl out of isolation, back into the flock


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 1, 2011
This is the saga of an isolated bird. I have a flock of nine hens and two roosters, all of them are Canadian Partridge Chanteclers. One hen is a bit smaller than the others, and also has a very curious, friendly attitude (nosy) and she ended up getting bullied. There didn't seem to be just one bully, but kind of a group thing.

So I read a lot of stuff on BYC, and then isolated the hen, Mrs. Curiosity, in a dog cage within the main run. It has now been a week and her feathers have grown back ( some feathers had been pulled out of her tail and wings).
Tonight I went out after the birds had gone to roost. I opened the cage and left. A couple minutes later I checked and Mrs. Curiosity had quietly gone into the coop and up onto the roost. No fuss.

Tomorrow will be the test. I hope all is well with the flock now. Anyway, thanks to all you BYCers who have posted advice over the past, so folks can find information on raising chickens.

BTW, while Mrs. Curiosity has been isolated, the flock has been calmer and generally more relaxed, although they were pretty good birds before. The next few days should be interesting, as Mrs. Curiosity gets integrated back into the group.
I just put one of my hens back on the roost tonight too. And like your hen, she is also lowest in pecking order, but she's never been bloodied or injured by anyone. She was inside for 10 days.

Well everyone freaked out tonight when I put her on the roost. I guess I should have waited til it was pitch dark so they couldn't see her. I'm hoping for the best for you and me both over the next few days, and I'll be watching your thread to see how it goes.

Here's a link to my thread from earlier tonight.
Sorry I have taken so long to get back here. Life happens, eh?
Well, Mrs. Curiosity has not integrated back into the flock. She stays by herself in the coop all day while everyone else goes out for fresh air and treats. The flock spends the whole day outside and I don't think Mrs. Curiosity ever goes out at all. Weird.
These birds were all raised together, with no difference in how I treated them. I noticed Mrs. Curiosity was developing a unique personality, but now she really doesn't fit into the flock at all.
Not sure where to go from here.

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