he's got me shaking in my boots! NOT NO MORE!

Good motto, I more play kick ball
I "heard" leghorn are mean. I don't like the leghorn's personallity anyway. I had a female and she was horrible. AND she ate all the feathers and almost killed herself. She was a stupid chicken. I would have sold her id the dog didn't get her.


my first one was like that...she was stooooopid!! and she always had a poopy behind! My other 2 from Tori, were normal, and pretty, but that first one
Well since I flattened him with the waterer he's been pretty shy to me. if he gets close I yell at him. What weird is my 4 year old has that roo running ragged. and if the roo comes close to him he stands TALL with his arms as high as he can reach them. I have noticed that roos do this to each other, less the arms in the air thing. But they do stand really tall to the other showing top dog. ???? Maybe that's the whole thing??? My son chased the stupid roo down the pathway, my son was on a big wheel bike (standing with one foot on). That dumb roo didn't know what to do but run. Only problem was, he had the rest of the flock in a frizzle also and I had to go round up my squaking birds and 1 was missing from 2 till dusk. We looked everywhere for this hen, and when we went out at dusk, low and behold she came back to roost. I really thought she was a total gonner. I was sure of it! I seen tracks that looked like some thing from the air took her. she must have been hiding in the sheds some where. but she's so stupid that she made NO noises. Well I'm not sure thats being stupid or not but you would think that because the others that got separated were making such a rukus she would have been too. ?????????? I don't know!!! Anyways she back, but she's still not earning her keep. I'm holding out that she'll be a pink egg layer. What my odds?? She's an EE that's 36.5 weeks old and I've NEVER seen her in the nest?
Hmmm, that's a new approach that I've never heard of. Sounds reasonable. If I ever have a mean rooster again, I'll try it.

I like this too! That is something my kids could do with my help. I've got one bossy roo who likes to think he's #1. This definitly seems less dangerous. I'll let my kids chase him, by himself in the run!
My 16 year old son is working at tameing our Arecauana Roo. He goes into the run and the roo immediately starts the 'dance befor the attack", My son reaches down and holds the roo down on the ground. Pressing him into the dirt and holding him there for all the girls to see. After a few minutes he lets the roo up and if he starts the dance again my son repeats the hold down thing. Seems to be working.
I, too, think the weather has something to do with these mis behaving roos. All my girls are doing the squat, so surely the hormones are in the air. And my roo is back to fluffing up the nests for his girls every morning.
I had two RIR roo's when i got my first batch. One was starting to get nasty, would go after your hand when trying to feed them. Never attacked me though. My other roo was very tame because He wasn't the top roo. Unfortunately, I'm not much help, i only have hens now. i didn't want to deal witht he nasty behaviors or fertilized eggs.
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I find to subdue a roo, it's best to grab them up,& hold him on his side. Then grab his comb,& play with it. Stroke it, pinch it & flip it around. Hold his head wrapped in your hand. Then drop him & act like your gonna step on him. He'll avoid you like the plague. You will have become the king of the hen house again. It works with Tom turkeys too.

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