Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

"baby back ribs" - sounds good

Tonight we will eat chicken margherita with penne, a mozzarella/tomato/Bibb lettuce salad, sourdough bread - to be followed by strawberry shortcake.
Roast beef. Which I got for $3.00 less a pound at the local butcher, lol. Canned green beans with smoked potatoes. And mashed potatoes. Kind of a strange combination, but it went down ok.
Honestly, I don't care for fishing. Fishing is boring.

Catching fish, however, is good
. and eating fish is even better!

Tonight was spinach lasagna. Roasted some garlic and used that in there---so, so good!
the best part about fishing is the peace and quiet at home while hubby and son are off fishing

This! this would be my ideal, and I get it sometimes. But Honey likes me to go with him. At least now, since being sick, I take a chair and have an excuse, sorry a valid medical reason to sit in the shade and read a book
Burgers with lettuce and tomatoes. We got up early and went to a field trial - got fed well there and just got home so I sort of made do.

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