Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

tonight im making chicken marinated in a Goya marinade that has lemon, orange, garlic, onion, and it says spices so im guessing it probably has pepper, basil, oregano, parsley, and who knows what else. i also mixed it with sofrito which contains more onion, garlic, a green pepper idk the name of it, but they call it a puerto rican pepper here in PR its green and long and somewhat skinny and it also has a little tomato and then salt and pepper and i think some other spices and then i added in some tabaso sauce like 5 shakes of that and then added some adabo powder which has some salt and garlic and then i added cumin, basil, parsley, black pepper, oregano, and thats it. its been marinating for around three or four hours so far. my oven broke so im cooking it on the stove top tonight.

i also added to the Goya marinade because it was less than half way full i added some canola oil sofrito and then there was like 3 table spoons left to fill the bottle and filled that with vinegar. yum...
thinking venison back strap madelions, mased potatoes with gravy and green beand and cathead biscuits. then top it off with the chocolate on chocolate cake(if any is left when time comes) my wife made last night
Bacon Burgers! We grind bacon up and mix it in with the hamburger and a bunch of spices. Throw an egg or two in there. Mix it all up, pan fry or grill depending on weather. Sesame seed buns, romaine lettuce, juicy tomatoes, pickles, sauteed onion and mushroom, and three types of cheese. Extra sharp cheddar, jalapeno muenster, and lacey swiss. Add some homemade fries and it's a meal!
Fish tacos tonight

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