Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Ham, asparagus with onion, slaw and garlic cheese bread.

The ham was from our own hogs, and I'd forgotten how good it is! Last year we had a lot of it cured and then cut into deli slices, but not all of it got eaten well. So, this year, they're just huge ol' hunks of ham. Cooked it with some pineapple and a light brown sugar glaze---yum!
Baked beef ribs with homemade sauce, steamed artickokes and sliced honeycrisp apples. One gandchild had tots instead of artichoke because he doesn't like em.
Tonight will be homemade sloppy joes.
Leftovers last night (plus a small pizza later). Tonight we'll be eating out - 'Half price pasta night'
Local grocery store had whole 5# chicken on sale @ $0,69 # regular price is about $1,39 #. Also had fresh pineapple on sale. Let me see what GOOGLE suggests.. My meals run about 80% good, but sometimes the dog won't eat it.
thank you, thank you. i'm getting closer and closer. big hit for a weekend dinner.

btw, i used to fish the feather river up by yuba city, back when we lived in california. are you guys near there?
thank you, thank you. i'm getting closer and closer. big hit for a weekend dinner.

btw, i used to fish the feather river up by yuba city, back when we lived in california. are you guys near there?
The feather river is not too far. I have not fished there but have fished further north--Battle creek, lost creek at Mr. Lassen and Deer creek. Hat creek is one of my favorite places.

Mostly we go up to a little creek in the coast range mt.s it is called the south fork of Stony creek. It is one of the few places that still has native california trout. It is a protected stream and you can only catch two a day with I think 7 in possession. They are not big fish but boy do they fight!

It is one of the only fish that my youngest daughter will eat too. There is nothing like catching a fish up there and cooking it a couple of hours later.
We had breakfast for dinner today - scrambled eggs from our lovely hens, sausage, and pancakes! I'm not feeling well so I had to have my hypoallergenic pea protein shake instead (it's good, I promise! Try some!) but everyone else seemed to enjoy it!
Local grocery store had whole 5# chicken on sale @ $0,69 # regular price is about $1,39 #. Also had fresh pineapple on sale. Let me see what GOOGLE suggests.. My meals run about 80% good, but sometimes the dog won't eat it.

How about Hawaiin Pineapple Chicken in the slow cooker?
It's just the two of us.
Legs thighs, & wings browned in skillet. Juice, ginger garlic, honey, & starch, thickened a little & added to the skillet along with pineapple sweet pepper & onion. Finished in the oven. Nice glaze on the chicken. I'll give myself about a 9 1/2 on a scale of 10

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