Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

We love the homemade. DH is the taster - slightly tart with lots of cinnamon. This batch used Chinese Cassia cinnamon with a touch of Indonesian Korintje Cinnamon. Now I will need to make some Potato Pancakes for breakfast tomorrow, lol!
We love the homemade. DH is the taster - slightly tart with lots of cinnamon. This batch used Chinese Cassia cinnamon with a touch of Indonesian Korintje Cinnamon. Now I will need to make some Potato Pancakes for breakfast tomorrow, lol!
It is great to hear that the apples are ripening. I am looking forward to baking apple goodies.
Last night we went out and spent too much money on a lousy meal that gave me heartburn. :mad: Tonight I made a simple meal of hotdogs, macaroni salad, sauerkraut, and leftover sweet corn cut off of the cob. It was tasty and no heartburn.

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