Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Last night night?
Home grown Berkburgers. (Berkshire Pork) smoked on the grill with hickory nuts from our backyard. ( a dab of sweet baby ray bbq sauce)
Toasted / smoked buns with garlic and Rosemary.
Grape tomatoes off the vine. Home made pickle slices.
Cheated by grilling store bought hash brown potato cakes. hehe.
We have too much clay in our soil to grow potatoes.
Our freezers are packed with our farm meats, so we rarely eat out unless it is a special occasion.:)
Last night night?
Home grown Berkburgers. (Berkshire Pork) smoked on the grill with hickory nuts from our backyard. ( a dab of sweet baby ray bbq sauce)
Toasted / smoked buns with garlic and Rosemary.
Grape tomatoes off the vine. Home made pickle slices.
Cheated by grilling store bought hash brown potato cakes. hehe.
We have too much clay in our soil to grow potatoes.
Our freezers are packed with our farm meats, so we rarely eat out unless it is a special occasion.:)
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Now, I'm very hungry, thanks. lol
Now, I'm very hungry, thanks. lol
My husband was in construction for 27+ years until his knees/neck/back couldn't take it anymore. He went into the culinary arts now. I am the Baker, around the house. I let him do most of the cooking because he likes to. When he wow's me, I snap a cell pic and send it to my sister who is a tv dinner chef..:lau.
Glad I found this thread!:)
Tonights recipe/meal is fish based.

Having fryed splake (which was caught) with garlic butter. And for the main meal trying a new recipe called grilled northern. Got the recipe from outdoor canada i believe.

Pretty much its grilled northern pike. With a tomato sauce. As am camping had to go out and buy all the vegi from the store but caught the fish last night.

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