Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Tonight we will eat Chinese food. It's a tradition started when our kids were small and the only place in town that was open Christmas eve was the Chinese restaurant.

For tomorrow I am making a standing rib roast for just the two of us. Mashed potatoes for sure and carrots, but maybe more than that.
Today it’ll be ham, baked beans, mashed potatoes, and rolls - all were made by me. Jenny is making her Orange Fluff Salad, and I don’t know what Tam’s making - Shrimp Dip, I think. Funny, I make Christmas dinner here at my house, but Christmas dinner is at Tam’s house.....kind like going to a restaurant and bringing your own food! Oh, well. Tam can’t cook and never could. So at least if I make it and haul it, it’ll be edible!
Today it’ll be ham, baked beans, mashed potatoes, and rolls - all were made by me. Jenny is making her Orange Fluff Salad, and I don’t know what Tam’s making - Shrimp Dip, I think. Funny, I make Christmas dinner here at my house, but Christmas dinner is at Tam’s house.....kind like going to a restaurant and bringing your own food! Oh, well. Tam can’t cook and never could. So at least if I make it and haul it, it’ll be edible!
I hope she does some of the prep work!
Tonight we will eat Chinese food. It's a tradition started when our kids were small and the only place in town that was open Christmas eve was the Chinese restaurant.

For tomorrow I am making a standing rib roast for just the two of us. Mashed potatoes for sure and carrots, but maybe more than that.

Had the Chinese food and then went to my sister's last night.

Made a 6 # standing rib roast for the two of us. :th Circumstances. Didn't make the carrots because I had a frozen container of sweet and sour red cabbage. Also made Crescent rolls. Roast was Rosemary/Thyme/butter encrusted and provided a great gravy. Princess and I had a disagreement about how to cook it - she was almost correct - I apologized, but sometimes she drives me nuts even after all these years. :barnie We both ate way too much. Love that Rosemary aftertaste. :drool
Last night was so good that I did it all over again. Rib roast and gravy, fried mashed potato cakes, red cabbage, and carrots. Yes, I ate too much again. Put what was left of the roast in the freezer for the future.
We are celebrating New Year at home. We just figured out that it is our 57th New Years together. Tonight I made a steak on the grill, beets, and baked potato and baked sweet potato. Dessert is birthday cake for the celebration we did not have for DIL and GD.

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