Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Shephard's pie sounds good. I too have leftover mashed potaoes, that need to be used up. But it's been so hot here, I don't want to cook too much, just heats up the kitchen.
But on the other hand, it is cooling off now, so I can cook later in the evening.

We're having leftover teriyaki beef with frozen asparagus and snowpeas from this spring's garden. I also made extra rice yesterday, so I won't have to cook any more tonight. I just have to do a quick sautee of the beef and vegies.

I should take some frozen bread dough out for tomorrow night. I can bake it in the evening, after it cools off.
Aneesa's Muse :

BYB.. I hope your son is feeling better soon. Is he still running a fever?

He was still running a fever last night at bedtime and again when I checked on him at 1:00 a.m. He's still asleep and I don't want to bug him to check, so I'll have to wait until he's awake.

I'm thinking of making meatloaf tonight. Haven't made that in eons.
Sunday was philly cheesesteak sandwiches, last night was bbq ribs,shroomwild rice and spinach, tonight is raised meatballs with a veggie, haven't decided what yet. Tomorrow is oven baked western omlete.

today is spaghetti and garlic bread and a salad tomorrow is pork roast with onions and gravy, green beans, and another veggie just havent thought of it yet
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Last night was the - let me see what I have in the refrigerator to make an quiche.

So ended up with red potato, mushrooms, bell pepper, celery, red onion, asparagus, mozzarella cheese. All put together with three duck eggs from my friend who has ducks.

Very nice balance of flavors and plenty left over for lunch for the next couple of days.

I think fish tonight with lemon and capers.

Backyard Buddies Hope you son is better soon. There has been a lot of that going around in No. Calif too. Heard that 10 kids were absent from day care all with fevers.


Edited to add: I just had some for lunch and forgot to list the most important ingredient - BACON. You know what they say - "If its not chocolate than it better be bacon"
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