Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

We had our tacos last night with spicy rice. DS left with his Dad after school. He is going on a Cruise! So beings it is hubbys friday and we are kidless, it will be steak, mashed potatoes and wine!
tonight was roast, mash w/gravy,
greenbeans w/bacon n onions and
bread n butter. havent decided on
dessert yet.
Lotsa 'taters on the menu tonight for all of you guys!

I was going to make fish tonight but the kids were sad that they missed B4D last night and talked me into making it tonight.
It'll be whole grain pancakes and bacon this evening. Better get started!
We had baked chimichangas with the leftover beast, beans, rice with corn.

Right now DGD is practicing right outside the office with her new amp and electric guitar, I kept telling her to turn it up!

Tomorrow will probably be bbq'd hot dogs with homemade buns and tater tots. We'll be gone most of the day.

Scrambled eggs, from my girls of course, with green onion, tomatoe lemon pepper and Zatarain's Creole Seasoning. Fried red leftover potatoe and crisp Bacon. 12 grain whole wheat toast.
French onion soup with lots of cheese on the bottom and on top of toasted french bread baked in the oven until cheese was golden brown. One bowl is a meal in itself.

If anyone is interested I finally got pictures of my "Dream"
kitchen posted on "my page". Let me know what you think if you take a peek - under the tab our-kitchen

It's beautiful, Sandee! I think that room made a perfect kitchen! Question - Do you have to carry the appliances out each time you want to use them or do you just use them there in the pantry, sort of like a kitchen work area?

Oh, and I loved the dragonflies on the fridge!

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