Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

I hate the fair but the food, can't beat that. You supper sounds wonderful. I have been catching up and you all have been cooking some great food. DH asked for a Sauerkraut and pepperoni pizza last night. Now I have been making pizza from scratch for 25 years and have tried many different kinds but never have i put that on a pizza! Well I did and it was surprisingly tasty
Our DS was at a football game so he wasn't home to complain about it, heck he likes sk so he may have liked it too.
thechickenchick: did you fry or boil the sauerkraut before you put it on the pie?

Simple meal tonight, pasta and homemade meat sauce made from tomatoes from the garden......
I just drained it good and let it set at room temp. Although frying does seem like it would make it better

Tonight, BBQ pork ribs, home made mac and cheese and steamed peas with onions.
Tonight was a garlic/herb pork roast, brown rice, and baby peas.

Last night was a BBQ chicken* recipe that I was told was a Chili's Restaurant knock-off (though I don't see anything similar on their website), mushroom rice, and salad.

* Marinate chicken breasts in teriyaki sauce. Grill over open grates until nearly done and then brush with BBQ sauce. Meanwhile, combine diced tomatoes, green onions, diced cooked bacon, and cheddar cheese in a bowl. Prepare a piece of heavy duty foil, place on the grill, and transfer the chicken breasts to it. Top with tomato concoction and grill until cheese is melted.

The diced tomatoes came from my garden, so it was extra special.
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Last night we had fajitas made from our own pastured pork, anaheim peppers and onions from our gardens. Toppings of homemade black bean & corn salsa and homemade sour cream.

Sides of refried beans made from homecanned pintos, and rice.

Black cherry ice cream for dessert...store bought though
The Kitchen Store has asked me to sign up to teach classes in Jan and Feb. So was thinking about comfort foods for January. So last night I made my Mac and 3 cheeses to see if that would be worth doing!! Well, after seconds I think its a winner. Now I just need to make again and actually measure the ingredients so I can write down a recipe. I think tonight I have to have a side of it just to make sure its still OK the next day!!

If anyone has suggestions for good comfort food that you put together and serve within 45 minutes I'm all ears!! I will also give credit where credit is do!

You HAVE to make this soup! It's fast, easy and delicious - they'll think you are a genius


I make it exactly as written, but omit the salt. Buillion and ham is salty enough. I only use white potatoes since they seem to work the best.

Great minds think alike. I did a search on All Recipes yesterday for possible things to cook and this was one of the recipes that I was considering. I'll take your word for it and use this one for the soup course. Don't you just love All Recipes. I'm also thinking about Chicken Pot Pie from their site.


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