Hey Grandpa, What's For Supper?

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It's so nice to have friends that eat so well..just sad they all live SO FAR AWAY!!!! lol!!! Mine on the key lime pie!!!!

I am too lazy to go outside and grill, plus I ran the weedeater and have already showered and don't want to smell like smoke..soooo steak in a pan on the stove and boxed mashed potatoes and fresh sliced, salt & peppered tomatoes..and a glass of wine for supper..friends welcome
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I thought some of you, not close to the fires, might like to see what Aneesasmuse is talking about, kind of.

This is the smoke where I am, these were taken just outside of my place, and are during the day. See the helicopter in the one? That's the sun in the last. I didn't change a thing, other than cropping, that's the color, when you see sun at all. In the morning it's pinker, but even more colorful.




Edited to add that people have had to be warned not to look into the sun, because you can, it's so obscured most of the time! And when it's colorful, people want to look.
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Tutter- I have many pics like that, I know what you are going through. Stay out of that smoke as much as possible! Great but awful pics.

Linguini with meatballs and canned sauce again last night, oh and wine.

Tonight leftover chicken and something with it.

Will do, thanks!

I've decided on summer pasta.

I make it with elbows, shells, or rotini.

The sauce is sauted meat, onions, portobello mushrooms, canned crushed tomatoes, or fresh San Marzano tomatoes (mine aren't ripe yet.), herbs from the garden. Sometimes I add peppers from the garden, sometimes not.

I'm serving this with garlic toast from the bread I made a couple of days ago; a green salad with roasted red bell pepper vinaigrette.

Dessert will be chocolate chip-mint ice cream. I have a great patch of mint, so dh will make ice cream from it.
That homemade mint chip ice cream sounds delicious!! I got a maker from my DH last year and still haven't used it ..shame on me!
I may have to raid some of the fresh mint out of my garden and get on it..

...and tonight is leftover s'ghetti with beef and sausage marinara, salad and some herbed fresh bread. I can't wait for my tomatoes to come in ..homemade sauce is so much better than store stuff ...even if you do spice it up with your own meat and such
I love my ice cream maker but tend to make more sorbets and sherbets than ice cream since I still tend towards fruit based deserts. Must be from raising kids.

Had planned Spaghetti Carbonara for dinner tonight. but got lucky and found some nice looking top round steak at the market reduced to half price (sell by date is tomorrow). Braised it in red wine, tomato puree, baby bellas and tons of garlic and served it with mashed potatoes and fresh green beans (from the garden...Yeah!)
Wow Tutter! Those pictures are amazing! I hope it stays away from you. What a memory of Rosarita you have, especially since you were so young. Getting caught in a riptide is one of those things you remember for a lifetime. I had one of those experiences as well, but at the river jetty on the border of Newport and Huntington. I was in Jr. Hi with a bunch of friends when we all got caught. Only one other guy and I managed to swim in. The rest were rescued by lifeguard boat!

Anyway, back on topic . . . . Dinner tonight was grilled burgers with thick slices of home grown tomatoes. Yum! The side dish was homemade BBQ'ed beans.
We're having Sloppy Joes for dinner, with mashed potatoes, and the first of my baby beets from the garden., with carrots and onions, and cole slaw.

I'm going to roast the root vegetables.

There are 2 ways to make Sloppy Joes, I think. One is the all-savory way, more like a Manwich, and the other is as it was decades ago in the can. Does anyone remember Sloppy Joes by Libby in a can with a swirled pattern on the top of the can, silver and purply?

Well, now and then we feel like having the ones that they used to sell in the can. To make it, you do use a tomato base, actually catsup works better than tomato sauce, but I'm not using catsup. Onions, quite a few very finely minced peppers, and the secret ingredient......Welches grape jelly. Trust me, I experimented with this for some time in the 80's. And no other jelly or jam will give you the flavor of the canned product, it has to be the concord grape from Welches.

How much you add depends upon you taste, and how far to the sweet side you wish to go. I never measure, just add a small amount, taste etc. until I say, Bingo! it's Libby's Sloppy Joes! lol!

Then, serve with hamburger buns, and you're set! Maybe not the most sophisticated dish in the world, but there's a lot to be said for old comfort foods.

Boy, there was pasta in the air yesterday, wasn't there? I do enjoy pasta.

That sounds wonderful, Happy Hen! I make something like that when we spend a few days at the lake for our anniversary, though I also add pearl onions, and throw in some French bread. I'm sorry I missed that meal!

We also make sorbets, which I love. Mango is a favorite. Hmmmmm, I should mention that to dh; he hasn't made mango recently! He did make watermelon not long ago, though.

Aneesasmuse, that sounds good! Yes, you should definitely try some ice cream! Do you need a recipe for the mint ice cream? Dh has made all sorts of fruit varieties like strawberry and peach, and one of the best was Carribean (sp?) papaya. (The big red ones, not the little bottle shaped ones we are generally used to.) Then there are all the other flavors...chocolate, vanilla, coffee, mint etc. Once you get the hang of it, the sky's the limit!

Backyard Buddies, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. No, you never do forget it. Although, to be honest, I have a lot of memories from that age, and younger, anyway. I sometimes surprise my mom with the things I shouldn't be able to remember. Now if only my memory of last week was as clear....
I'm glad that those who didn't manage to swim to shore were safely rescued! Looking back, I can see where there might have been the potential to end up with a fear of water, but it didn't happen; I love water!

I also love barbequed baked beans! I used to make them for pot lucks at ds's work. How do you make yours?
Tutter- I made homemade sloppy joes last week. I made them with beef broth, catsup, onion, garlic, oregano, worstershire sauce, cornstarch to thicken it. It wasn't libby's, which I do remember fondly, but it sure was good.

Last night was left over bbq and oven fried chicken and squash that I baked then mashed with butter cinnamon and maple syrup. Not sure what kind it was DH's boss sent it home for me. Looked on line to identify it but couldn't fiind one like it.

Tonight is openfaced meatball sandwiches on homemade victorian milk bread I made yesterday. I will put garlic butter on the bread and toast it first, put sauce on the bread, top with meatballs, more sauce and mozzerella cheese. The sauce is a new bertolli's in a microwave package. They were handing it out at the theater when DGD and I went with my DMIL last week. I hope it is good.

That sounds really good, too!

Did you get a photo of the squash?

I think I've been cheating my family all along! When I make meatball sandwiches, I make the meatballs, which I pre-cook, then drop into a crock pot with a thick sauce I've made. I usually put strips of green pepper in the sauce, because I enjoy them on the sandwich.

Then, when done, all I do is put them onto split rolls with sauce, and serve. But I've never made the rolls with garlic, which sounds absolutely delicious, nor put cheese on it. As I said, I've been cheating my family, I think! I may have to make amends and make it your way soon!

I'm not familiar with Victorian milk bread.

I hope the sauce it good, too, since the dish pretty much rides on the sauce. I've got my fingers crossed for you!
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