Hey Grandpa, What's For Supper?

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I'll be watching that game, hold up a chicken sign I'll look for you.

hahaha GO SOX!
No actually I hope you win its early in the season yet and there's nothing like sitting in the stands when your teams winning.
So don't tell anyone I said this and I'll deny it anyway
But here goes
P.S. have fun, and eat a dog for me, I love ballpard dogs

Last night I broiled smoked sausage and we had leftover pasta salad. DGD had leftover mac-n-cheese as she doesn't like pasta salad.

Don't know about tonight, it's just DH and I as he dropped DGD off at DMIL's house, she'll stay there while we go see my Dad tomorrow.

My sister called last night, now my Dad has pneumonia, infections in his intestines and lungs as well as the thrush infection. He says that he is going to fight this thing all the way! He asked to be put into a chair so they will do that today. He is having a test on his lungs today. He is still very weak and cannot talk above a whisper soit is hard to understand him. Waiting for results of the test.Shouldn't come in until this afternoon or evening.

That's funny! OK, look for me.
I'll be one of the little tiny heads up in the nosebleed section above the right field foul pole.

Yes, the Angels are my team (I was a Jr. Angel as a kid) but I enjoy other teams as well. We have tickets to a Dodgers game in September and went to a Cub's game at Wrigley Field last summer. There's also a slight chance of a Mariners game next month when we're up in Seattle.
I agree about the various field dogs. But, my favorite hands down is the Chicago Dog. Yum!
Monica -

I'm so glad to hear your dad has the will to fight. That's the best thing he can have going for him. I hope for the very best for him and for strength for the rest of you as you support him through this.

Keep us informed!

Just got off the phone with my sister. My Dad had a bad night , he was combative and pulled out his iv's so they sedated him. This morning he is tied down. They did the test and his lungs are a mess. He signed a DNR order and my step mother revoked it(DH says she can't do that) My sister doesn't know how long it can stay revoked. DH is leaving work now but it takes him 1hr and 15min. to get home then we need to drive another 1hr and 45 min. to get to the hospital that Da's in. I pray that he hold on long enough for us to get there. DH will make the calls to the redcross to get our DD home from Afghanistan.

I'm so sorry Monica! I'm pulling for you all!

I'll be watching for an update when you get a chance. For now, go and be with your dad and family. We'll be here when you get back.

Big, big, big hugs!
Monica, I know what you are going through; been there. The DNR my dfil signed was done before he was ill, and dh had POA, medical consent etc.

I will be praying for him, and all of you. ((((Hug!))))
Backyard Buddies, you mooch you; sounds like you had a good time!
Have fun at the game, as well!

Lizardz, I've been laughing at your post, starting with the campfires smelling like home! lol!

I'm sure you'll think of something you feel like doing with the chicken before dinner. Even something Mr. No Fruits or Veges will eat; sheesh! He'd starve here, too.

Rest up; glad you are safe and sound. There are a lot of wild animals on the move right now, from having been displaced. There have been all sorts of stories involving animals here. A singed bear cub they are calling, Smokey II; a horse almost starved that the fire fighters found before they set a back fire; rattle snakes getting under fire hose etc.

I'm out of sorts if I don't get my annual cotton candy from the 4th of July fair here, so I know you have to get your fix!

LOL Purr! I'd have to root Angels in this case. In Southern California we used to go to Dodger Stadium, but up here I don't know who to root for. But I do have a super cool Oakland A's baseball cap!
Tutter.. thank you for the Tuna/Chicken Casserole recipe! It is very similar to one that I make already ..I definitely have learned about making the correct consistency of "cheese sauce" in my day ...runny casserole is not good ..nor fun!

cknmom.. I hope your Dad is seeing some kind of improvement and that being with the family will bring some much needed strength ..for all of you! Prayers still going..

As for dinner... IF I cook tonight ..it will involve chicken wings and garlic fries. The way I'm feeling, I'd much prefer "take out" ...just not in the mood

Oh.. and I have a "brain tart" issue... I was talking to someone about monosodium glutamate (msg) the other day, and they told me there's another "chemical" that does the same thing (and triggers allergic reactions ..migraines, too) as the msg, but has a different name. Anyone know what that name is? I thought he meant a brand name, like Accent ..but he says, no.... so I'm stumped!
Do you mean like, sulfites? Generally it causes breathing problems....unless it's one of the preservatives?

Many years ago we were out on a blistering day, in the middle of nowhere, and we stopped at a tiny market and got a soda. I got a migraine, and finally connected preservatives, like BHT, to them.

Since then I've gone preservative-free, but that one was a lu-lu! So, how about BHT, or one of it's cousins?

I don't blame you. Maybe you should get take-out tonight?
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