Welcome to backyard chickens so glad you joined the flock!
Feel free to ask questions and answer questions! Make yourself at home!
Hope you enjoy this site as much as we all do here!!!!
Welcome to Backyard Chickens, Hayley! We are glad you joined the flock! :welcomeBYC is a helpful site providing all of the information you need to know about poultry. There is always space for members on the BYC roost! :highfive: If your rooster really happens to be a young cockerel, then his behavior will keep getting worse. Unfortunately, this demeanor is more common in certain rooster breeds and some bantams especially. I would have him removed or give him away to someone notifying the people that he is aggressive.

Hope you enjoy it here as much as we all do!

Aw, that's too bad your roo turned out to be so mean, he's such a cutie. But unfortunately, that happens with many cockerels as they get older... some turn out great and others are just nasty. You all might feel safer if you can keep him in a large dog crate until you can find him a new home.

The good news is.... now you can get more chickens! (If you have room) Just pick up a couple/few sexed pullet chicks... you can have them integrated with your other girls in a matter of weeks: Integrating at 4 weeks old
You don't really need another rooster unless you want a flock protector while out free ranging or to breed your own chicks... and even then you'd be better off with a more suitable ratio, 10 girls per boy.

Best wishes!

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