Hi, I'm Coconut. Who're my ancestors?


12 Years
Aug 24, 2007
San Antonio, Texas
I've got a pet chicken named Coconut. 6 weeks or so my brother-i-l heard me saying I wanted a chick for a pet. He surprised me with a 5 week old one from an Amish/Mennonite barnyard. he says he chose this one because "the grown up white chickens were wild looking, not regular ones" That seems to be all he could tell me, except that he didn't think they looked like the frizzle pics I showed him.

So, what do you think?

feathered legs (on the outsides)
top crest
single comb
4 toes, not 5

Kind of like a Sultan, but no extra toe nor V comb.

Polish & Chochin to get crest and foot feathers?
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Yup, poor Coconut. No friend. S/he is doomed to be all alone.....for the next 3 months until s/he's big enough to hold her own with the full grown chickens.

I try to make up for it by holding her a lot....but at 5 weeks, she was already pretty wild when I got her. She manages quite well during the day in the barnyard, and I can't get near, but she is happy to be picked up and held in the evening, when getting ready for sleep. :)

Edit; I'm afraid Coconut might get ignored from now on, since i just got what I had really wanted: Three cute little day baby chicks that I hatched out in the incubator this weekend. Now I can warp their little minds to think I the mama hen. Ha, ha!
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The topknot says Silkie mix. I have three and that trait must be strong. Their dad was a Standard Cochin/Silkie cross and their moms were Barred Rocks. All have poufy heads, but only one has one feather on one leg.
Alright. Maybe the 'wild looking chickens' b-i-l was talking about were silkies then. One things for sure. He's now decided he wants to get one each of 'all the craziest looking chickens' when they do their spring order.

So, whatever Coconut is, s/he's brought a new person into the ranks of chicken afficionados. fun!

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