*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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Cicero was a bit alarmed by that revelation. "Do any of those insects call this area their home?" He asked cautiously,as he looked around for a possible attack.
Islanzadi shook her head, "No, not many. There are black widows and brown recluses which you should watch out for. And there are wasps that can really hurt, but they're not dangerous, and then there are ticks that can spread diseases, but usually they don't. So you won't have to worry about any horrid insects here. But even if you did, insects don't try to hurt people, really. You just have to make sure you don't bother them or pose a threat to them." She explained to Cicero. "They don't really have the intelligence level to plan a sneak attack either." Islanzadi chuckled as she noticed he was looking around.
Rayne grinned happily at the praise as she looked at her sculpture then handed it over to him "It's for you. It's a phoenix. I have never seen a real one, just the pictures in books, but I like them."


Nabal looked to Avalon and bowed in respect to her "Queen Avalon, I would suggest resting the rest of this day. Your soul has had a shock and needs to recover" She said gently then looked back to Ender "It likely is the home your dragon soul had before, there were stories that the souls were reborn, or some of them. I would have to find that book again." 

Jackie chuckled then shrugged "To be honest, I do not know." She said and leaned against him in a hug. She was content just being with him 

Estelle grinned happily to them both "Would you like to come in? There's a fire dragon here too.Can I ask what you are?" She asked then frowned a little and looked to her mother "Is that rude to ask what they are?" She was clearly excited to meet more people and have her mother back with them

Rana looked at the pictures hung on the wall while he fiddled with the keys to the room. She was curious about all aspects of this city life, though she didn't ask many questions about it. She liked observing and drawing her own conclusions more often than not.
Shaylee tilted her head curiously "It is not comedy that makes me ask that question. I have no knowledge of this pack you speak of." She said, losing the inward smile at the mention of harming a male waterhorse. His name made her heart hurt, but she was glad he was still free.

Jackdaw took the offered gift and looked upon it with appreciation. "You have rendered it beautifully for only having seen a pictures. Thank you for this. It will be cherished indefinitely." He said cheerfully.
Avalon knew Nabal was right, but she couldn't just leave a honored guest. she looked over to Bardou and asked if he'd mind taking over in her stead.

Ender tipped his head, intrigued by Nabal's statement. "Where is this book?" He asked curiously.
Bertram sighed contentedly and tightened his hold on Jackie ever so slightly. "Good, then we are on equal footing." He replied softly.
Both Ravek and Jaeger chuckled. "Yes, we'd love to come in. And no, it's not really rude to ask our true forms. I'm a waterhorse and my companion here is a Sylph. A winged guardian of the Fae." Ravek said pleasantly.

Pyro had came to the door to watch the reunion happily.
Sandor glanced to Rana ans smiled slightly as he processed to open the door wide and turn on the light. "Well to my lair." He said with a classic villain's voice.
"Oh, I know. But it demonstrates my annoyance with your crafty ways." Pariah said with conviction as she opened up a portal to go into the void.
Rory took another sip of her coffee

( I don't know what else to say)

Kellan nodded and stood, using the move to search the place for the evesdropper and get a feeling for who and what they were. 

Xatia followed Kellan out of the booth. She glanced to Rory and frowned in speculation.
Islanzadi shook her head, "No, not many. There are black widows and brown recluses which you should watch out for. And there are wasps that can really hurt, but they're not dangerous, and then there are ticks that can spread diseases, but usually they don't. So you won't have to worry about any horrid insects here. But even if you did, insects don't try to hurt people, really. You just have to make sure you don't bother them or pose a threat to them." She explained to Cicero. "They don't really have the intelligence level to plan a sneak attack either." Islanzadi chuckled as she noticed he was looking around.

At her musical chuckle, Cicero stopped his search and looked to Islanzadi. A small smile spread across his mouth. "That is a wonderful thing then." He said with relieved humor.
At her musical chuckle, Cicero stopped his search and looked to Islanzadi. A small smile spread across his mouth. "That is a wonderful thing then." He said with relieved humor.
"Just don't go to the desert, everything wants to kill you there." Islanzadi joked. "I'm just kidding, of course, but some things in the more dry areas of this country are dreadful."
Sino nodded, and replied "I would never put you in danger."
Mary moved to press her cheek to him then stepped out and shook any dirt off so that she was cleaner. She looked to him again and flicked her tail "Want to try hunting or should we go to our den?"
Jackdaw took the offered gift and looked upon it with appreciation. "You have rendered it beautifully for only having seen a pictures. Thank you for this. It will be cherished indefinitely." He said cheerfully.
Avalon knew Nabal was right, but she couldn't just leave a honored guest. she looked over to Bardou and asked if he'd mind taking over in her stead.

Ender tipped his head, intrigued by Nabal's statement. "Where is this book?" He asked curiously.
Bertram sighed contentedly and tightened his hold on Jackie ever so slightly. "Good, then we are on equal footing." He replied softly.
Both Ravek and Jaeger chuckled. "Yes, we'd love to come in. And no, it's not really rude to ask our true forms. I'm a waterhorse and my companion here is a Sylph. A winged guardian of the Fae." Ravek said pleasantly.

Pyro had came to the door to watch the reunion happily.
Sandor glanced to Rana ans smiled slightly as he processed to open the door wide and turn on the light. "Well to my lair." He said with a classic villain's voice.
"Oh, I know. But it demonstrates my annoyance with your crafty ways." Pariah said with conviction as she opened up a portal to go into the void.
Rayne grinned and looked at the necklace he had given her earlier. "It may have been easier for only having seen it in pictures, at least I didn't have to worry about how to make it look real when it is relatively flat."
Bardou bowed to her at the question "It would be my honor, my queen" He said gently then looked over to Nabal and Ender "Though it seems they may be leaving here soon, if I am reading the body language right" He added, since he was too far to overhear them

Nabal chuckled softly "We have a library in my castle. All of our books are kept there." She replied
Jackie laughed lightly at that then nodded and snuggled against him "True, my love. We are" She said softly
Estelle looked at them both then came over to them, holding out a hand to each of them "I'm glad to meet you both." She said cheerfully then focused on Jeager and tilted her head a little "Winged guardian of the fae? That sounds important. I'm glad a dragon kin is helping them. What are the fae like?" She asked as she and her twin started leading them to the house.
"Lair?" Rana asked as she came to the door to peek in then looked at Sandor to play along "Oh, dear. Just look at the time, surely I must go. For those who are welcomed once into the lair are scarcely heard again" It was an old version of the spider and the fly tale, though not well known.
Shaylee was silent, watching her as she waited for the next command. She frowned as she watched the portal to the void, wanting to go in there if only to get away from any trace of the iron of this realm, but without the command, she couldn't make her body move and that made her angry.
Danika woke slowly, finding herself in a cell. She shivered and looked around for Shaylee or anyone she knew. She was both scared and cold from the tranquilizers she had been given.
Sino answered "Whatver you wish. Are you hungry?"
The vixen jumped onto a log and flicked her tail again as she looked around the area "I wouldn't mind having a rabbit." She said then looked to him and grinned before darting off. She did not want to hunt too near where any humans were or had recently been.

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