Homemade flock block recipes

I was reading all these posts this morning. Since it was raining today and the chooks were cooped up, thought I'd give it a try. I cooked mine for 20 min in the microwave and it burned. Now my house smells like stinky burnt popcorn!! Yuck! I'll give it another try later...
I mixed premium bird seed, oats, wheat bran, peanuts and any other bits of goodness the chickens like with a piece of bread that had been soaked in water and a beaten egg. Then I packed that into mini-bundt cake pans I have. I baked them in a slow oven for an hour or so until they are set. After they have cooled I can run a string through the hole in the center made by the pan and hang it in the run. I love to watch the chickens as they track the spinning block of seed!
We just finished our first flock block and it was a great success. I think we had it out in the run for about a month or so, and as far as I can tell, no-one sat on it. My husband put it up on some stacked bricks, and it was a real hit. The girls still peck at each other, and are generally naughty, but it might have been worse without this.
I'm going to make a recipe based on all the great suggestions here, and try that next. I like the idea of the mini-bundt pans, but we will see what shape it takes.

wonder if one of those nasty fruitcakes you get for Christmas would make a good flock block? LOL Hang it on a wire in the coop- Do you think the chickens would like it? I used to hate those things!!

I like your recipe and will make it in the future. You said to microwave it for about 20 min. till hard.
My microwave is not very big. If I use the oven, what should the temperature be and how long do I bake it?

You said you wanted chickens but hubby doesn't. Maybe you could use the argument that you will only have a few, say 3 and that you are willing to do all of the work. If you only have 2-3 chickens you won't need a large coop. Buying them are expensive, you would be better off building or finding a friend who could build you one.

You can also tell hubby that you are willing to try having them for a temporary period of say 6 months to see how it goes. Hopefully by them he will come to enjoy them!

I wondered about that too as I poured molasses into the melted peanut butter egg pickle wheat germ oatmeal oystershell corn millet cream of wheat eggnog (hey, it's the holidays) the thing wrapped in timfoil at the back of my fridge... but I figured that any poor hypothermic bug or ant that would make it to mine right now would DESERVE a little help.

As it's in there baking, my hubby has a worried look on his face... I think he thinks I'm pregnant

(edited for spelling)
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