Homemade GUMP Bread - best I've found! **New pics added on pg. 5**

I did it, I made it! It's delicious. I made it to eat tonight but had to have a taste while it was still warm. I ate it with a little butter and honey. YUMMY!

What I especially liked is that the crust is soft. I'd share my pic, but for some reason my computer isn't reading my card. i'll try again later.

Thanks for a great recipe!
Last night, after all the panic, I tried to go to the supermarket. Our
driveway is a sheet of ice. My personal 2wd trucks were both stuck
and even my work van was stuck bad. Me and Drum chipped ice for
2 hours. Finally, my friend and neighbor saw this and came over with
his 4x4. By 9PM we finally got to the store. We bought yeast, bread flour,
and whole wheat flour too.

By 10PM we started the dough. By 11:30 we had two awesome loaves
of bread. My wife walks in at 11:20 and sees our son still awake, bread
cooking in the oven, quail deep frying on the fryer, and a turkey smoking
in the smoker.

"Honey, I told Drum he could take the day off from school tomorrow for
helping me chip ice off the driveway, being so good and helpful in
kitchen, and cause he is up so late."

Um, it went over OK. Drum got the day off today.

We ate dinner at 12:30.

The best part of the bread was I took a half a loaf to work with
me today and ate it in my van. Quiet peaceful enjoyment.
(insert fulfilling deep breath with a slow exhale and a smile)
Oh my, PC! Sounds like you could use about a ton of ice melt for that drive way of yours!
Glad your neighbor took you to the store. That was very kind indeed, especially at that hour!

It seems like everything turned out wonderful in the end! Glad you were able to make the bread and enjoy it!
Hooray! Glad you like it so well! I really like that the crust is so soft also. It really is a fabulous recipe and you can't beat how easy it is to make.
Has anyone tried this recipe in a bread pan? I was curious if it would work? by the way Sara, your bread looks yummy
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After looking at all the posts raving about Gumpgirl's wonderful white bread, I had to give it a try. Here's mine:


My husband just came in and doesn't know if he can wait until dinner for a taste. So tonight it's Ina Garten's Cheddar Corn Chowder, bread and a glass of wine. Yum!!!!!

Thanks, Gympgirl, for sharing your recipe.

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