Homemade GUMP Bread - best I've found! **New pics added on pg. 5**

hold on, i'll get a pic of them in the oven.... (food tease alert!)
Thank you so much for this thread...we have bread in the oven as I type. My DH is wondering what he did so right. If he only knew it was BYC's influence!

The pics made my mouth water, made
four loaves the other day
and its all gone so to day is bread bake day.
have to try the cinnamon rolls .
had my bread with pineapple chutny. delishhhh
would replacing the sugar with splenda work?
Dh has to watch his sugar..and he can thu
a loaf in no time.
Miss-Jayne,.....What time would you like Jude and I over? Those look deeelishus.

Okay, after being invited to look at this thread after my lowly breadmaking endeavor, this recipe looks like something I can try.

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