Homemade GUMP Bread - best I've found! **New pics added on pg. 5**

I've actually made breadsticks with this before by mixing italian seasoning into the dough when kneading it and brushing with butter, sprinkled with parmesan cheese and garlic. They were are good!

I actually just got done making cinnamon rolls with this recipe. We are eating them right now!
I want one!!!!!

I had extras, but Nathan is home today and they are gone now. Sorry.
This sounds soooooo good! I gotta tell you....I showed my DD how to make gump bread. She makes it all the time! My grandkids love cinnamon rolls made with it! We are slowly spreading the word across the land
Gump Bread! Gump Bread! Hurray!!
The breadsticks turned out very good last night - too late to be up taking pics. I put 1 t. of Italian herb seasoning and 1 t. of Penzy's Sandwich Sprinkle (garlic) in the dough when making the recipe. Then I cut 7" strips of dough after patting it out, twisted them, laid them on parchment lined sheets, let them rise about 20 minutes. I brushed them with butter and sprinkled lightly with grated Romano cheese before baking.

The baking/browning was the tricky part; I started at 375 for 15 minutes, but they browned very little so I increased the oven temp to 400 and let them go another 5 minutes. The second sheet I kept the temp at 400 and they browned nicely. I didn't want to run the risk of burning the cheese or having them turn out too crisp. The texture was still soft when they were done. The entire recipe made approx. 30 breadsticks.

Next time I don't think I will bother with twisting the sticks - it took more time and some of the breadsticks sort of untwisted on the sheet while rising.

They sound so yummy! Thanks for sharing exactly what you did with us.

BTW, I never twist my breadsticks either. I just roll them out and cut them into strips with a pizza cutter. Much easier and much less time consuming.
You are right about that, gg! When I'm making these breads to sell I have to factor in my time spent fussing over each loaf or roll - or breadstick. Your recipe is very economical -- as in less than $1.00 for the whole recipe, not including the butter and cheese.

Another tip I would make: if you want the breadsticks to be stick-like and not flop over, you need to cut them shorter and a little thicker. By the time I finished twisting them, they were longer and thinner than cut. If they flop, they can tend to break along the twist and I don't want my customers to buy a bag of broken breadsticks. Of course, the cook got to eat the broken ones....
GG...thank you, thank you, thank you!! This is going to be so great for my family. I started off last night and jumped in with both feet and made a huge Stromboli with one half and cinnamon rolls with the other half. WOW..thats what I heard from the kids and dad. Got great reviews!! I've got a batch on the rise to bake and take to deer camp for the men folk. They are usually happy to belly up to the table as I am the only gal there (yep I hunt too) but they will bow before me and my Gump bread...bwahahaha;)

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