Homemade GUMP Bread - best I've found! **New pics added on pg. 5**

citalk2much - Those cinnamon rolls and that bread look fabulous! Great job!

funkychicken - I'm so glad that you like it so much!
My computer monitor must be broken!!!!!..............................................................................................................................................................................I scratched and sniffed and I couldn't get nothing.....not one little smell of those cinnamon rolls..........

{{{gone to look for reciept so we can return broken monitor}}}
Here is a question that I need an answer for, please, and thanks! I made the Gumps bread, one plain loaf and one wheat, and they turned out wonderfully. Next, I tried the cinnamon rolls and a cinnamon raisin loaf. both of which turned out doughy, not light and done in the centers. Do I need to extend the time for the addition of the cinnamon? How long do you bake your cinnamon rolls or a cinnamon loaf of bread? Or does anyone have another suggestion for what may have made my rolls and cinnamon bread turn out so under baked? BTW, both the rolls and the c. loaf looked absolutely gorgeous on the outside. It was only on opening the roll or cutting through the loaf that I found the doughy unbaked portions. ~G
I wish I could tell you for sure. I'm guessing that adding the raising, as they have moisture in them, is what caused the cinnamon raison bread issue. I would most definitely extend the baking time. If it was just the center that was doughy, I would try baking for about 5 min. longer.

As for the cinnamon rolls being doughy, did you rub to much butter onto the dough? I've never had that issue, but that's what I'm guessing was the problem. I usually bake mine until they are a light brown on the tops then pull them out. That usually is 12 to 15 min.

So, try increasing your baking time for the bread and don't use to much butter (just a light spread should be enough
) on the cinnamon rolls. Let me know if this helps.
I had the same thing happen (doughy tasting and texture) and I realized I forgot to let them rise for 25 min before baking. Do you think you did that too?
Made 2 loaves of honey wheat bread, 2 loaves of cinnamon raisin roll bread and 1 ham and cheese stromboli. All tasted awesome!
I made the Gump Bread recipe and it is fabulous. I used my bread machine to mix the ingredients and for the first rise, then I made the loaves and put them into loaf pans for the second rise. It is sooo good!!! Yum!!!

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