Homemade GUMP Bread - best I've found! **New pics added on pg. 5**

Well, I think the dough needs to be stiffer than with white bread flour. It rose ok, but fell a bit when I went to move the pan to the oven. The dough was pretty delicate.
I was thinking it might be because wheat flour doesn't have the gluten that the bread flour has.

I'm sure it will taste great though!
Made 5 loaves of this bread today..... 1 for a friend, 3 for a fundraiser and 1 loaf for us. Also made 1 peach pie and 2 apple pies today. 2 of the pies was for the fundraiser. Now......what to bake ??????? lol
Bread flour makes all the difference in some breads. That's what gives pizza crusts, bagels, and French bread that delightful chew. So while I understand the "nutritious/ delicious" decisions, sometimes you just have to use this flour. Nothing else will work the same!

thought i'd post this picture of my attempt at "gump bread"
it was a bad angle, it really did look like a bunny instead of a bear lol

oh and the 7 year old just had to eat the eyeball BEFORE the picture was taken!
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My family is asking .."When are you going to make that bread you make again?" .. lol.

I guess it was a hit!

Edited to add: .. Very very cute "bear" ...
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ntiveheart - Super cute bunny and very ingenious!

texasgal - So when ARE you going to make more?!?!

Glad your family liked it so much.

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