Homemade GUMP Bread - best I've found! **New pics added on pg. 5**

Ok, all you bread bakers out there....how do I get a foccacia (sp)bread to stay flat? Is it due to poking the top of the round loaf? I want to make some Tomato/red pepper/asiago cheese bread tomorrow.
So what did I do wrong?

I made cinnamon rolls and they did not rise. I did not let it rise once thawed out is that the problem? I can't remember if I had it rise before I froze it I don't think so but if I did do I let it rise before and after being frozen?

Thank you for any help!
I'm not 100% positive, as I've never made the bread dough and froze it like this but I imagine that you probably needed to let it rise once thawed.
If I want to freeze one loaf,,,,,I do the first rise,,,,punch down divide in half, shape into two loaves (or whatever), let one do the second rise, then I wrap the other loaf (before the second rise) and put in freezer. The day I want to use it, I take it out mid day and let it thaw and rise. I bake it for dinner. We would prefer a fresh baked loaf. So, I always make the whole batch and freeze one for later.
I hope this helps. Good luck
Henry'schickens :

If I want to freeze one loaf,,,,,I do the first rise,,,,punch down divide in half, shape into two loaves (or whatever), let one do the second rise, then I wrap the other loaf (before the second rise) and put in freezer. The day I want to use it, I take it out mid day and let it thaw and rise. I bake it for dinner. We would prefer a fresh baked loaf. So, I always make the whole batch and freeze one for later.
I hope this helps. Good luck

It does help thank you.

Why the second rise I have never done a second rise on anything can you explain when from the first rise and why to do this?

Why does it rising have anything to do with it rising in the oven if you punched it all back down before putting it in the oven I don't really understand?​
Most bread recipes use a second rise, you get more rise than just putting it in the oven after punching it down. Usually you knead, let it rise, punch it down, form your loaf or whatever, let it rise again, then put it in the oven to bake. Classic. Actually,, I have never seen one without a second rise, doesn't it come out heavy? I would imaging it doesn't get much rise to it before the crust bakes too hard to let it rise.
Well I mostly make pizza crust with the dough I make so probably does not matter to much or that noticeable....I do it all the way you said except let it rerise. I will do that next time. Now that I think about it the crust for the pizza is kinda dense.
Henry'schickens :

That answer sounds good as any. I think a second rise makes the bread lighter and less dense. Am I right?

I think you are right...I will try again soon and see if I can tell a difference.​
ok,,,, were BIG fans!! hubbys very favorite bread. In fact,I went and bought bread the other day and he gets mad that i didnt make GUMPS BREAD! lol Any way, what i want to ask is if it's ok to share this with my dialysis board. They're always looking for yummy stuff and this is perfect for dialysis patients.. You can do it with very little salt and they are not able to have whole grains. Thanks..

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