Homemade GUMP Bread - best I've found! **New pics added on pg. 5**

Hello everyone! I'm brand new to this forum. I found it when I was poking around for bread recipes on Google. I've read this whole thread and I cannot tell you how excited I am to make Gump Bread!

After reading several people say they had a problem getting their bread to rise, I have one suggestion for anyone who has a problem with their bread not rising because of temperatures especially if it's to cold with drafts (I know it's still Summer in some places) Here's a trick that works great.

Put your bread in your oven to raise. Don't turn the oven on, just turn on the oven light. The combination of the yeast working and the oven light creates the perfect temperature for your bread to rise. If it is cold in your house turn the oven light on while you are mixing up the bread and by the time you put it in the oven to rise it will be a nice temperature. By raising your bread in the oven you also eliminate any chances of cold drafts or temperature swings.

I've been making the 'no knead' breads for a while and that trick works for me every time. I'm going to make the Gump bread and try all the ways you guys have come up with to vary the loaves. I especially love the 'stromboli' ideas, rolls, hamburger buns, bread bowls, bread sticks etc. How fun!!

I make my own sourdough bread and keep starter going all the time but I like the kind of bread that the Gump bread sounds like too.

Thanks to all of you for your experimentation .....now Gump bread will be famous here in the Pacific Northwest as well!!!
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Oh boy! Your gonna love this bread for so many things. We,re crazy about it! And so easy. Thanks for the tip too! AND.... While your into tips ;-) wanna share your sour dough starter and bread? I've not been able to make one that works. Can send personal if ya like too :)
I made my own sourdough starter by Googling around for starter tips and just dove in and did it. You really do have to do all the steps they talk about like feeding it, throwing half away and feeding it again....for many days until you start to get a good 'sour' . I've had mine going for so long now, I don't remember how long it took me for it to get really good. But I feed it the day before I'm going to make bread and let it sit overnight to work, then I put half back in the fridge and make the bread with the other half. I don't have a big family so I don't use it up as fast as some who bake constantly do.

I don't want to step on this thread since it is about Gump Bread. But I would be happy to post the recipe for the no knead bread on another thread.

Where woud you suggest?
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gosh, i dont really know where to post it for sure, but im not 'all' over the board so wold likly miss it
and that would be just wrong
. I "think" it's ok to post in this thread too, but!!!!!!!!!! i im guessing it should prob have a post of it's own, and i dont know whre that would be. But, if you do post it, mabie you could still send me a personal on it too???
Well, I just made my first attempt at Gump Bread. It turned out great. For one loaf I chopped some fresh rosemary and minced some garlic and spread that on the bread along with some shredded parmesan cheese. After I rolled it up I coated the top of the bread with olive oil and added more rosemary, garlic and parmesan.

The other loaf I left 'virgin' and just coated the loaf with olive oil and lots of sesame seeds.

I used olive oil as the oil in the recipe. I'm just about to go cut it now and see how it turned out.

The olive oil gave it a good crust without being too 'crusty'. I'm amazed at how soft and light this bread is. Quite a good recipe you've got here Gumsgirl.....you've got another convert. I'm going to have to try a whole bunch of variations.

How did it turn out?

I made this bread the other day and it was really good but did not puff up like yours or others. It is getting pretty cold here. Been raining yesterday and today. My horse is already getting her winter woolies. I am gonna try again today and I will let it rise in the over with a tad of heat to see if that helps. I sliced some the other day and made french toast w/egg nog it was sooooooo yummy.
The rosemary/garlic/parmesan loaf is scrumptious. I gave the sesame loaf to my next door neighbor because I knew I couldn't eat two loves of bread and besides they were like kids in a candy store when I gave it to them.

One thing you can do when it is cold is to turn the oven on for about a minute and then turn it off. Turn the oven light on and leave it on and then raise your bread in the oven. For a bread that only takes 25 minutes to rise you have to warm the oven a bit first.

When I make a bread like the no knead bread, it has to rise for 4 hours so just the oven light keeps the oven at the perfect temperature. I like raising bread in the oven because you don't have any temperature variations and you don't get any drafts.
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Good news!! Found out the screw that holds the back on the mixer was very loose and after tightening it..............it works!! I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to have my Kitchen Aid back!!!
Made bread again it did not get as big as peoples pictures I don't understand why......I did half wheat and half white flour this time it is still good just pretty dense.

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