Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Ok, I skimmed the cream off my new gal. of raw milk and made butter.........then I finally tried making the mozzarella!!!!!! Woo Hoo, it looks exactly like it should! I stored it in a bowl with some whey for when I make pizza tonight for supper! Thanks again, Miss Prissy and Birdbrain for the extra boost.
I saved some of the whey for baking as we don't care for buttermilk and would have to make a long drive to get buttermilk starter.
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only one or two seemed to like it. the others ran over and tried it and turned their beaks up!! snobs!! Miss Prissy, could you please put the mozzarella recipe in with the yogurt recipe link on the bottom of your posts? Like maybe a "recipe" link? I sure would appreciate it if it isn't too much trouble? Makes it easier than having to go through all these pages to find individual recipes of yours. Thank you so much!!!
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See, there you go!!
When is supper? I'll be right over.
I like pizza and with fresh mozzarella, it aught to be about perfect, especially since I know you will make garlic bread with your new butter.

Tell your birds they just don't know what's good for them and if they don't straighten up and enjoy the special treat you gave them then they will be marched right in to the coop and can't come out until they all produce an egg apiece.
Ok, I think, rather I know I nuked it too much. It looked good but when I took it from the whey tonight it was too hard for "fresh" mozzarella. I was disappointed in myself but I will make it again and not microwave it as much.
That's it. Back into the saddle you go.
So did it work out all right on the pizza though? I had DH take the kids and I to dinner. I was too tired to cook and there was nothing in the refer anyway---I should have just come to your place.
so hard to explain it...it was so tough-like. I pulled it off my slice and just ate the rest. Made my own yeast dough and it turned out real well, thank goodness. My dh said it was fine but it did not pull like it should...it just laid there-not pliable at all? Weird, I am sure it is because it was just nuked too long. I won't be afraid to try it again as it was so neat to see it happen so quickly as you watch. I will stop nuking it as soon as it gets shiney and pulls like taffy.
One of these days I am going to get around to buying the ingredients to make mozarella again. I made it years ago, but right now I am learning about soap making and getting up my nerve to try a batch. My SIL is very allergic to the antibacterial ingredients in commercial soaps and hates the high prices of specialty soaps that are available locally, so we are reading all we can before we launch into the world of soaping. It really looks interesting and I am looking forward to giving it a go.
I used to make soap years ago. It is not hard but you do have to be VERY careful with the lye stage. You could seriously burn and injure yourself. Southern28's soaps have made me itch to try my hand at it again. She has a beautiful line of soaps so pretty they make me sigh. LOL
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