Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

WOW! 49 yogurts a week???
I must have missed the back story... Does someone in your family have a rare skin disorder that makes him need to bathe in it?

or..are there 16 kids in your fam?

I use yogurt in some recipes, so I'm looking forward to trying this out.
We don't just eat yogurt we use it in a lot of our cooking as well. Try mashed potatoes and instead of adding milk to make them a good consistency try yogurt. Try yogurt cheese instead of cream cheese...less calories and just as tastey. Yogurt brownies and in baking use the yogurt in place of the fat. So even though we don't eat a lot of " plain yogurt" we do consume a lot in many forms.
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WOW! 49 yogurts a week???
I must have missed the back story... Does someone in your family have a rare skin disorder that makes him need to bathe in it?

or..are there 16 kids in your fam?

I use yogurt in some recipes, so I'm looking forward to trying this out.

I have four kids and I babysit 5 others plus me and my husband. We eat yogurt almost every day sometimes twice a day.
Well I too have taken the plunge. I made a batch two days ago and it was a complete flop. It never set and I ended up giving the milk mix to the chickens and ducks who gobbled it down like there was no tomorrow.
The day I tred the first batch I also canned some strawberries with juice and made homemade granola to mix into the new yogurt.
I just finished my second batch and this time I'm actually incubating it in a cooler. Last time I just put the two quart jars into my oven with the pilot light for warmth. I wanted to see if I could have done it that way, I guess not!

It's a huge cooler but it's all I've got. I have two quart jars of it in there and two half quart jars of hot water in there.

I too decided enough was enough with store bought yogurt. It's one of the only healthy foods I don't have to fight with my kids to eat and I was spending about $50 a month on gogurts (the yogurt tube things) for them. I could never afford to buy yogurt for myself because they were getting the expensive stuff. Now I've put my foot down. They love all yogurt so I don't think they will have a problem and this way everyone gets to eat it and not just the kids! Not to mention no more "junky" novelty yogurts!
Jenna, I add some big bath towels around all the spaces in my large cooler to retain the heat. Just a suggestion. It is sooo good do not give up if it fails. I couldn't get it right the first couple times and was beginning to wonder what I was doing wrong until I, too, used the jars filled with very hot water and the towels. It is soooo much better than store bought. Keep us posted.
Good for you for trying again! If your cooler is large, try grouping the jars close to one another with the insulating towels in between to keep them from touching each other. Then, throw a towel or two over the group of them to retain the heat into a smaller area.

My kids love the yogurt. If they want the fruit taste, they usually stir in a spoonful of organic jam in whatever flavor they like. Delish! My personal favorite is a drizzle of honey.

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