Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

it was too runny to really eat with a spoon so I made smoothies out of it.

That is how much of the rest of the world makes yogurt. It is normal for the goats milk to be more loose than the cows milk. You can double the powdered milk and if it is too for you you can back off from there until you get one that suits you.

Cow milk sets up thicker and more like pudding. It is how we Americans are used to it due to the quantites of commercial yogurt we have become accustomed to eating.​
Ah... that makes sense. Well, hubby won't eat it if he has to sip it, so I need to try to thicken it up. I was wondering if it was just a bad set or not.
Thanks for the tip... I'm going to give it another whirl soon.
I like the idea of making my own yogurt, but I've had home made a few time before and I miss the sourness of store bought stuff. Is there a good way to make my yogurt more sour?
Also, the milk would be sheep's milk, not cow or goat. Would this have an affect on the recipe?
I have no clue about sheep milk. Give it try and let us know how it turns out. Leave out the sugar and give it a full 12 hours. It will be sour.
Thank you so much! I'll let you know, but I usually ruin the first couple of batches of anything new I make, so I'll give it a few runs before deciding whether to continue with it or not.
Looking at links on google there isn't any notations of anything different needed for sheeps milk. It is listed with cow and goat milk and I don't see anything that says it sets differently.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to have you do my research for me, but thank you for being so helpful. I don't know . . . well, anybody who uses sheep milk, so I worry recipes won't take a different type of milk into account. I read sheep milk has been around longer than anything else, so I should stop worrying, most likely.
NP, FT! I was curious myself about sheep milk. Does it taste very different from cow milk? Once we got used to the goats milk there isn't much difference. If everything is isn't super clean and chilled down ASAP you can get a goatey taste. Is the sheep milk yellowish or white?
Our sheep milk is a creamy color. When I compare it to my mom's goat milk, I can't see a difference, though Mom swears the sheep milk has a slightly darker color. I've never had fresh cow milk, but compared to goat milk, sheep milk tastes alot sweeter.

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