Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Yes, you can use your own yogurt as a starter for the next batch. Although, I read somewhere that every so often you should refresh it with one with all the cultures, like Stoneyfield's. I get a quart of Stoneyfield's yogurt and freeze it in ice cube trays. I store the cubes in a plastic bag in the freezer. One cube makes a batch, using 4 cups of milk. I use a little bit more - more like 4 1/2 cups. I boil the milk for a few minutes to evaporate some of the water in it. The yogurt is nice and thick and creamy. I don't like to use powdered milk - I had too much of that stuff as a kid with grownups trying to pass it off as real milk.

I learned the boiling trick from the Turkish fellow who contributes to this site. Thank you, sir!
Thank you for your response. Sorry to ask the question AGAIN! haha I found the answer I was looking for on page 52. I typed my reply when I was only to about page 28! But thank you again for your input.

Yes, you can use your own yogurt as a starter for the next batch. Although, I read somewhere that every so often you should refresh it with one with all the cultures, like Stoneyfield's. I get a quart of Stoneyfield's yogurt and freeze it in ice cube trays. I store the cubes in a plastic bag in the freezer. One cube makes a batch, using 4 cups of milk. I use a little bit more - more like 4 1/2 cups. I boil the milk for a few minutes to evaporate some of the water in it. The yogurt is nice and thick and creamy. I don't like to use powdered milk - I had too much of that stuff as a kid with grownups trying to pass it off as real milk.

I learned the boiling trick from the Turkish fellow who contributes to this site. Thank you, sir!
Ok..... don't chastise me just yet... I'm only on page 56 and I have another question. Many of you converts speak of using vanilla. Can this be imitation vanilla or just pure vanilla extract? I know I have imitation vanilla in the pantry from baking but would have to buy vanilla extract. Thanks :eek:)
Ok..... don't chastise me just yet... I'm only on page 56 and I have another question. Many of you converts speak of using vanilla. Can this be imitation vanilla or just pure vanilla extract? I know I have imitation vanilla in the pantry from baking but would have to buy vanilla extract. Thanks :eek:)

Purest will disagree w/ me, but I think it depends on your taste. Do you like the taste of the imitation vanilla, if you do use it.
I am going to try making it with my kids. My daughter pictured with me is my biggest yogurt eater. I have been doing the same thing with my kids the last few years. I know that canning your own food is becoming a lost art, but I think it is a good traditions for us to pass down. When I was a kids my mom started canning less and buying in the store because it was cheaper to buy it than to do it yourself. Pickles are still that way if you look at what is cost you for a gallon of dill pickles at Sam's. Soups on the other hand are crazy compared to when I was young. I know I sound like an old man saying "back when I was a boy I could buy gas for 5cents a gallon," but if I recall correctly a standard size condensed soup was $0.25 a can on sale and now they're $1.00 each. I am only 34 so by the time my kids are parents just think what a can of super salty condensed chicken noodle will cost them. I made some homemade chicken noodle from scratch with some leftover chicken from a oven roasted chicken we raised last year and my son ate 5 bowls of it. (he is 7) I don't know what hollow leg he put it in, but he loved it. I think in the economic times we are facing, we should all stride to be a little more self sufficient as you said it will teach our children that everything doesn't have to come from the store. We raised four broilers last year and my three kids wouldn't eat them at first. they would check the freezer every time with had chicken for dinner to make sure we were not eating our birds. They didn't even see them butchered as my wife took them in and had them done for $1.25 a bird it was not worth doing myself. I took a breast from one I quartered and put it next to the sore bought one and said what is the difference if it was ours or another bird that was killed, your still eating chicken. They are fine with our beef that we get from my uncle every year we buy a half a cow. I guess if we grow any chickens for meat this year I will have to get some Styrofoam trays shrink warp and a label maker to make it look like it came from the store
just kidding I think they are over it now.
Thats funny! Actually, I was the same way as a child, although I grew up with my folks raising our own beef, hogs & dairy cattle. I ate the pork and drank the milk, but when it came to eating the steers (Steve or Eric) I'd throw up. Finally my dad caught on and started telling me it was one he'd traded with the neighbor for. Now, I have to do the same with my kids (15 & 17). The 4yr old asks "when are we going to butcher the chickens?" The chickens are 3 weeks old! She's a tad more bloodthirsty than the other 2 lol.

I've made the yogurt recipe of Miss Prissy's for several years and it's just so much better tasting, better for you than what you can buy in the stores. The critics harp on the obesity of our kids, their quick development, the high blood pressure and cholesterol of adults, but DUH!! look at what they put in the food we eat! All kinds of crud! Salt, fake sugars, potentially cancer causing additives. Ugh, not me, i'll raise my own beef, pork, and poultry, teach my kids to garden and cook. Hopefully have a healthy respect for all we have and all we need. Because without it, we'd be washing in the polluted streams & eating radio active bugs and worms
Ok, question, can I use plain greek yogurt to make Homemade yogurt? It has all the cultures in it, its just thicker than reg yogurt...it'll still work though right? If so, then I'm gonna try making some tomorrow! (Sorry if this has been asked before)

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