
I'll probably do the same early next spring before planting. Doesn't do much here in winter when there are feet of snow but late fall and early spring should be great. Also going to build up litter in the coop once I get it built. Use that in the garden next spring. I've not used fermented feed. I have started feeding my older EE chicks a little bit of green veggies for treats. Also just bought a set of 6 Australorps bringing me up to 14 chicks for now.I do want to know more about Fermented feed for the chicks. Also yeah I'm in the Maine Thread as well.
If you keep covered chickens runs they can work during the winter and you'll have compost to use in your garden right off come spring. I do raised beds so this system works out nicely. It's what you add to the run that works at how the compost turns out. Kitchen scraps, insoluble grit and peat moss helps create nice compost.
Quote: My birds are busy making compost year round (here in the heart of snow country!) We still have 8" of snow on the ground, and frosts predicted into 4th week of April (Yay, that means an early spring for us!) but, unless the temp goes down below 15*, they are out every day churning through their leaf piles, making compost!

FF is absolutely awesome. I've been using it for 4 years. In the winter, I also sprout grains for them. Currently have 4 jars on my kitchen window sill, in various stages of sproutage. This time of year, even sprouting seeds brings a bit of satisfaction to a gardening addict.
My birds are busy making compost year round (here in the heart of snow country!) We still have 8" of snow on the ground, and frosts predicted into 4th week of April (Yay, that means an early spring for us!) but, unless the temp goes down below 15*, they are out every day churning through their leaf piles, making compost!

FF is absolutely awesome. I've been using it for 4 years. In the winter, I also sprout grains for them. Currently have 4 jars on my kitchen window sill, in various stages of sproutage. This time of year, even sprouting seeds brings a bit of satisfaction to a gardening addict.
I can't say whether the feed fermented but I used heated dog bowls with mush. I was feeding starter crumbles because there were some young ones in the flock. I added water to make it mush so they wouldn't waste any.

Point? I wonder whether heated dog bowls could be used to ferment feed?

How do you sprout seeds? Where do you buy them to sprout?

These are pictures of a run I used compost out off one year. By adding peat moss it made it that much easier. Last year I dumped some leaves that I mow and bag. No birds were in there this past winter. I consolidated coops so I didn't have so much to do. DW being sick and all.

I got a couple of free bunnies so I have manure from them too. I also go and get free horse manure to add to my compost piles. Good compost is having the right amounts of green, brown and wet. I am lazy though and just toss it all together and let nature take it's course. Turning only occasionally. In the run though the chickens turn it. I toss scratch just about every other day or so.

Some call Manure the second crop/production. It is a waaaay under rated and a wasted valuable resource.
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Well we were on a fixed income til I went back to work. That said even old codgers have value and I'm sure you can think of ways to earn a little income. Even if just to offset the cost of keeping poultry.  One way is to bag your chickens manure and sell it for a couple of bucks. Some folks want manure but are to lazy to shovel it. Reuse your feed bags and fill to about half and charge two or three dollars. 

Here I think there is a market for Duck eggs so I will be getting some of them. 

Right now I'm trading four dozen eggs for two bunnies. I also use eggs as a tip for my barber. Cheaper than the fiver I usually give.  I expect some raspberry plants from him this year. 

I'd trade just to have an extra pair of hands. 

I'd like to see a pic of your green house. 
ll the greenhouse is disassembled but I took 4 pipe 10ft long the size of the legs used one half for the front and one half for the back then had some clear plastic sheeting I got somewhere I forgot exactly where covered it over then built a wooden frame front and back to hold the door and windows it worked great for my wife years ago she loved it
Quote: Nice looking coop and run. I have a CP coop also. Use it for chicks, and as a grow out for cockrels. They love that thing b/c of the bare ground. It's got a loft built in that works great for chicks, as well as an 8 x 8 run under the loft, and a 4 x 8 sun room attached to that. The 8 x 8 is predator proof.

I buy feed grain. Last year, I lucked out and found 50# of wheat for 12.50. several years ago, I paid $26/bag for wheat and barley. I put 6 oz of wheat in a 1 qt mason jar, soak over night, then rinse and drain 2 x/day. It takes 3 - 4 days to grow to a nice feeding size. the 6 oz. of wheat packs the jar so tight full of sprouts that I need to use a fork to break the pile apart for feeding. You can use screening, needle point plastic or buy sprouting screens to cover the tops of the jars.
So I won a chicken coop today at an event that we held at a farm and feed store. Going to see if I can get another one built and have this one as a sick ward. Or I might just take the roosting bar out of it and make it into a bunny hutch. I don't think it will fit 5 chickens no matter how big of a run I build. Going to try to figure out how big of a run I should make for 5 chickens, I have 7 acres worth of area but don't want them to free range due to predators? I see some really pretty ones on Pintrest but I need some that are more realistic.
So I won a chicken coop today at an event that we held at a farm and feed store. Going to see if I can get another one built and have this one as a sick ward. Or I might just take the roosting bar out of it and make it into a bunny hutch. I don't think it will fit 5 chickens no matter how big of a run I build. Going to try to figure out how big of a run I should make for 5 chickens, I have 7 acres worth of area but don't want them to free range due to predators? I see some really pretty ones on Pintrest but I need some that are more realistic.

I've heard 2-4 square feet of coop floor space for Chickens Not heard anything about run space but I'd try and give at least 10 square feet per bird it'll allow the ones lower in the pecking order a chance to get away from the big bullies for a bit. Plus more space means less bored chickens
I've heard 2-4 square feet of coop floor space for Chickens Not heard anything about run space but I'd try and give at least 10 square feet per bird it'll allow the ones lower in the pecking order a chance to get away from the big bullies for a bit. Plus more space means less bored chickens

then this coop would fit one chicken, it is the size of a rabbit hutch...according to the box it is four square feet.
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then this coop would fit one chicken, it is the size of a rabbit hutch...according to the box it is four square feet.

It would hold a trio with a decent little run. Go with your sick ward, or my chicken tractor is for the ones I want to breed.

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