
Hubby wants us to do a chain link fence for the run, what are your guys' thoughts on it. I was thinking about something more like what I used for the rabbit hutch with cinderblocks around the base and wooden pallets on top of that with fencing going around the outside and over the roof. Obviously I need to bury wire around the outside so predators don't dig in, I know we have coyotes and we have dogs that would love to get ahold of some chickens. Going to have to work on my dogs, so I will buy a shock collar since they are so quick. Ideally, my run will have the four rabbit hutches inside of it for the bunny poo to compost in with the chicken poo for when I clean out the run, I currently have them in my yard with large flower pots underneath the hutches. Hubby says that a 30'x30' run is too big for 5 chickens but I want a big run so that they have plenty of room and so I can put perches inside for them to get off the ground if they so choose. According to a friend the coop that I won will easily fit 5 Easter Eggers, I still have my doubts.

My pole style chicken house utilized ten foot chain link panels for two sides, creating a 20×20 run. I have chicken wire on it too to keep in juvenile delinquents, and that chicken wire is coved out about a foot to keep out skunks and other diggers. The nice part is the doggy kennel gate means we didn't have to construct a gate. Yay!
Hubby wants us to do a chain link fence for the run, what are your guys' thoughts on it. I was thinking about something more like what I used for the rabbit hutch with cinderblocks around the base and wooden pallets on top of that with fencing going around the outside and over the roof. Obviously I need to bury wire around the outside so predators don't dig in, I know we have coyotes and we have dogs that would love to get ahold of some chickens. Going to have to work on my dogs, so I will buy a shock collar since they are so quick. Ideally, my run will have the four rabbit hutches inside of it for the bunny poo to compost in with the chicken poo for when I clean out the run, I currently have them in my yard with large flower pots underneath the hutches. Hubby says that a 30'x30' run is too big for 5 chickens but I want a big run so that they have plenty of room and so I can put perches inside for them to get off the ground if they so choose. According to a friend the coop that I won will easily fit 5 Easter Eggers, I still have my doubts.
first i just want to say my dogs can chew through chain link, literally can chew a hole big enough that they can walk under the chainlink without even ducking down. I'm with you on run size, I'm not sure a run can be too big,, its all relative. I would rather have extra room and spoil the chickens then do just the bare minimum
A big run doesn't hurt. Chain link will hold out the dogs better than the rabbit wire unless you have it framed like a house. I've had pups that would chew out of chain link. Not chew into. You can also put chicken wire or the rabbit wire you are wanting to use outside it. Make it 3' or '4' (whatever you already have) with 6" or so buried. The chain link will help support it in case a dog or coyote runs into it.
Quote: Does that friend who says that coop will hold 5 hens actually have hens? If so, pity their poor hens. While you can cram a certain number of birds into an enclosure, that does not mean that they will be content. As for dogs and chain link, I have no idea. Weasels live in all 48 states, and a weasel can squeeze through any hole that you could push a quarter through. They will kill chickens just for the fun of it, and will kill multiple birds in a single night, and return every night till they've killed the whole flock. I do agree that a larger run will provide you with more options, and give you the space to provide a varied environment.
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The friend has had chickens in the past, down in Texas I believe. I am just a firm believer that there is no such thing as too much room especially when I want to add in 4 big hutches, possibly 5 if I get my own doe. And after reading on here the more room the better to prevent them picking on each other and boredom. I even give my dogs larger kennels than what they need in the house because I hate to confine my animals, but it is for their safety and protection that I do that. Same thing with my chickens, maybe when I have had them for awhile I will feel better free ranging them for a couple of hours a day, but until then I need to feel that they are comfortable in their area, and that they have plenty of room to stretch and run around. The other reason I have the idea for a larger run is because I would like to add a turkey to my flock for Christmas. I am still looking into turkeys but if you build for the big picture there is less having to redo in the long pun intended.
then this coop would fit one chicken, it is the size of a rabbit hutch...according to the box it is four square feet.
With all due respect this is not a coop. Nor should it be considered for more than two bantams. Nor should it be used outside. It's not sturdy enough to ward off even the smallest of predators. A raccoon would make short work of it.
first i just want to say my dogs can chew through chain link, literally can chew a hole big enough that they can walk under the chainlink without even ducking down. I'm with you on run size, I'm not sure a run can be too big,, its all relative. I would rather have extra room and spoil the chickens then do just the bare minimum
Do you mean UNDER chain link or literally chew the metal up. I have chain link around my yard. I have heard of foxes climbing chain link but the one that got into my yard got under the gate as there is enough space. Though the chickens EE's , can jump it.

As for the run size, too big or bigger than needed is better. Chickens that are too cramped will begin to pick at each other.

I recently separated one with a pecked neck. Not sure what happened but she's healed and back with the flock.

My reasoning for the bales of hay is so they can get away from each other. Though bales of hay would not be conducive to an open topped run.
@rancher hicks one in particular ( my oldest pitbull, about 55 pounds) has chewed a chain-link dog kennel until it was mangled, pulled and twisted in every direction and broken from the framework ... some pieces were straightened and pulled free of the others unlinking them and it in no way resembled a fence anymore ,she would literally walk straight through without a thought. she also would destroy cable leads somehow, the really heavy duty ones.... vet says she has great teeth for a 10yr old pit
@rancher hicks one in particular ( my oldest pitbull, about 55 pounds) has chewed a chain-link dog kennel until it was mangled, pulled and twisted in every direction and broken from the framework ... some pieces were straightened and pulled free of the others unlinking them and it in no way resembled a fence anymore ,she would literally walk straight through without a thought. she also would destroy cable leads somehow, the really heavy duty ones.... vet says she has great teeth for a 10yr old pit

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