
:weee Yes ! Yes! My husband has come home from deer hunting with a deer !!! Yes ! deer steaks tonight for super. I am so glad , meat for our freezer. :)I was about to think we wasn't going to get one this year. Thank the Good Lord for his blessings.:)
Yes ! Yes! My husband has come home from deer hunting with a deer !!! Yes ! deer steaks tonight for super. I am so glad , meat for our freezer. :)I was about to think we wasn't going to get one this year. Thank the Good Lord for his blessings.
Awesome news, it feels great when you get a deer. Especially when the freezer is low. Congratulations and enjoy it.
Ok, I am begging for help here. I quit buying box mac n cheese, made some homemade the other night and my oldest will NOT eat it, he won't even try a noodle. Made spaghetti and meatballs with homemade sauce the next night, he won't touch it. Made a cheesy rice with broccoli and ham casserole for dinner tonight(he loves broccoli and rice), and he won't even try that either. This is his 3rd night not eating dinner, and I refuse to make anything else just for him to eat. He isn't normally a picky eater, besides mushroom, peppers and alfredo sauce; if those are in it he will just pick them out and not eat them, minus the alfredo he will eat everything else on his plate but that since it's normally a side. He helped me make all the meals: stirring the sauce, getting the stuff out of the fridge, and chopping the cheese into cubes for the casserole. What the heck am I doing wrong, I am doing everything that I have read to do: let him help make it, let him help choose what is for dinner, reward his good eating of the meal, if he tries it then it counts as something(at least he tried it), including sending to bed without dinner, I try to serve the next day for lunch and no go again. I am literally in tears because he has stopped eating dinner, and he doesn't get any snacks after 2:30 and dinner is at 6:00, we don't really do dessert anymore because he isn't eating/finishing when he does eat. The portions are for a small child, and it just kills me because we have a doctor's appointment for him in the morning and they say he is under weight as it is and he needs to eat more, but he is 40 pounds, and tall for his age with good gene's for skinniness until 21, then it starts to slow, he eats a lot of fruits and veggies, not a lot of sugar, and drinks 1/2 a gallon on milk a day.

Please please please, tell me something I haven't tried, I'm getting desperate so any ideas help.
Ok, I am begging for help here. I quit buying box mac n cheese, made some homemade the other night and my oldest will NOT eat it, he won't even try a noodle. Made spaghetti and meatballs with homemade sauce the next night, he won't touch it. Made a cheesy rice with broccoli and ham casserole for dinner tonight(he loves broccoli and rice), and he won't even try that either. This is his 3rd night not eating dinner, and I refuse to make anything else just for him to eat. He isn't normally a picky eater, besides mushroom, peppers and alfredo sauce; if those are in it he will just pick them out and not eat them, minus the alfredo he will eat everything else on his plate but that since it's normally a side. He helped me make all the meals: stirring the sauce, getting the stuff out of the fridge, and chopping the cheese into cubes for the casserole. What the heck am I doing wrong, I am doing everything that I have read to do: let him help make it, let him help choose what is for dinner, reward his good eating of the meal, if he tries it then it counts as something(at least he tried it), including sending to bed without dinner, I try to serve the next day for lunch and no go again. I am literally in tears because he has stopped eating dinner, and he doesn't get any snacks after 2:30 and dinner is at 6:00, we don't really do dessert anymore because he isn't eating/finishing when he does eat. The portions are for a small child, and it just kills me because we have a doctor's appointment for him in the morning and they say he is under weight as it is and he needs to eat more, but he is 40 pounds, and tall for his age with good gene's for skinniness until 21, then it starts to slow, he eats a lot of fruits and veggies, not a lot of sugar, and drinks 1/2 a gallon on milk a day.

Please please please, tell me something I haven't tried, I'm getting desperate so any ideas help.
My kids are 10 and 13 years old.

They have always wanted their pasta plain (until recently- I'll explain). So I served it with just olive oil and salt for them.

Now my 10 year old likes Parmesan cheese on his and my 13 year old likes pasta sauce from a jar occasionally on it. But they both still love it with just olive oil and salt also.

The olive oil is very good for them. So just scoop out his onto a plate and then you add your toppings to your pasta.

I try to make sure there is a grain, a protein, and fruit/vegetables at meals. This can even include a chunk of cheese - the requirements can be met even if they aren't cooked. So a chunk of cheese and plain pasta, etc., would be better for him than boxed mac and cheese in my opinion.

We have a rule at our house that if you don't like what is served for dinner, you can have cereal and milk. But I DO make them try it- just a bite- if it is a new food. And when I do make them take a bite, sometimes I was waiting for an hour for them to take the bite...doing chores around the kitchen. But they eventually do obey, just to get to leave the table LOL. It all works out in the end. Then sometimes they say, "Hey this is GOOD!"

I hope this helps.
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I try to make sure there is a grain, a protein, and fruit/vegetables at meals. This can even include a chunk of cheese - the requirements can be met even if they aren't cooked. So a chunk of cheese and plain pasta, etc., would be better for him than boxed mac and cheese in my opinion.
See and that is the one that he loves, and I quit buying it because of the lack of nutrients in it, and I just can't stand the texture of it. The recipe that I made was one he had had before and he ate it then. I try really hard to balance everything on his plate, since I know he likes fruits and veggies more I put more of those then I do of the stuff that he doesn't like. But when I do that all he will eat is the fruits and veggies, so I have started to withhold them until he eats his 1/8 c of pasta or meat then he can have some. When I make spaghetti he normally eats the meatballs and dinks around with the noodles, so I chop up his meatballs, and do a small amount of noodles with no sauce except for what is on the meatballs when they come out of the sauce; he barely ate one meatball piece and that took over an hour of fighting with him. We have been known to do a "lunchable" for lunch or dinner, Ritz crackers, cheese, apples and no meat because I didn't have any, but he also had peanut butter, which he will eat all day everyday if I let him; which he normally does in the summer.
Ok, I am begging for help here. I quit buying box mac n cheese, made some homemade the other night and my oldest will NOT eat it, he won't even try a noodle. Made spaghetti and meatballs with homemade sauce the next night, he won't touch it. Made a cheesy rice with broccoli and ham casserole for dinner tonight(he loves broccoli and rice), and he won't even try that either. This is his 3rd night not eating dinner, and I refuse to make anything else just for him to eat. He isn't normally a picky eater, besides mushroom, peppers and alfredo sauce; if those are in it he will just pick them out and not eat them, minus the alfredo he will eat everything else on his plate but that since it's normally a side. He helped me make all the meals: stirring the sauce, getting the stuff out of the fridge, and chopping the cheese into cubes for the casserole. What the heck am I doing wrong, I am doing everything that I have read to do: let him help make it, let him help choose what is for dinner, reward his good eating of the meal, if he tries it then it counts as something(at least he tried it), including sending to bed without dinner, I try to serve the next day for lunch and no go again. I am literally in tears because he has stopped eating dinner, and he doesn't get any snacks after 2:30 and dinner is at 6:00, we don't really do dessert anymore because he isn't eating/finishing when he does eat. The portions are for a small child, and it just kills me because we have a doctor's appointment for him in the morning and they say he is under weight as it is and he needs to eat more, but he is 40 pounds, and tall for his age with good gene's for skinniness until 21, then it starts to slow, he eats a lot of fruits and veggies, not a lot of sugar, and drinks 1/2 a gallon on milk a day.

Please please please, tell me something I haven't tried, I'm getting desperate so any ideas help.

You could try the mac and cheese with macaroni and not noodles. How old is he? My son was picky eater too. Nothing on the plate could touch. Macaroni with butter nothing else on it. Loved Broccoli though.

I always made them try things. Three beans or other things and set the example by eating Brussell sprouts. Yuk!

I suggest a small spoon of things, but don't hold back on the veggies and fruits.

We were advised not to let him have any drinks during dinner. He would drink the drink and wouldn't eat.

As a parent of four, I suggest you stop stressing yourself and him by making an issue of it. IF that is what's happening at the dinner table.
One thing DW always did was dinner was a family affair and we all sat together. My son and dil do not do that and it's very upsetting to me. Some of the best times we had were around the dinner table.

Under weight is not the worst thing in the world. He won't starve himself to death. Give him a reasonable breakfast and lunch and let dinner take care of itself. No special treatment or snacks. If he eats, he eats.

We all have things we like and don't like. I hate mushrooms and pick them out of the Beef Stroganoph or however you spell it. I don't eat Green Bean casserole on the holidays.

I say serve some things he likes and some you want him to try. Let him have as much of the veggies and other good stuff and a small bite full of the things you want him to try or have.

When he was in high school and got to make his own lunch he wanted nothing but cheese and crackers.

My son will still not eat mashed potatoes and he's 37, but he is over weight. They survive. It's no reflection on you as a mom.
When he was in high school and got to make his own lunch he wanted nothing but cheese and crackers.

Every parent has one who threatens to put us over the edge.

I wish you peace at the dinner table,


(I have to increase the size of the font so I don't have to squint while I type).

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