
Strangely enough, home grown and older varieties have a taste that we've become unaccustomed to. Tomatoes and other vegetables have lost their flavor in exchange for a bigger harvest. It is sad.

What's really sad is that so many people have become accustomed to bland/boring supermarket taste, they don't know what they are really missing.
The way I figure it, is if I want more tomatoes, I will plant more plants, I don't like my produce blah and neither does my family. We are going to try to get a bunch of peas planted this spring, and maybe have enough for more than just a handful outside as we get them picked. I wanted tacos the other night( I have sour cream and avocado addiction going on right now) and the store's Roma tomatoes were really blah, they were also kind of pink. My oldest barely even ate half of one, and he will normally sit down and eat 3-4 tomatoes out of the garden. But I also plant 20-30 tomato plants every year at my apartment just to get enough for my family fed, between backyard snacking and canning. Soon as I get a house/greenhouse I will hopefully be set for the whole year on tomatoes, because right now my winter tacos are pretty sad.
Plant a BIG row of peas.. (btw the wrinkly ones tend to be sweeter.) We had a 30 foot row of just sugar snaps and it wasn't enough.

The store tomatoes are picked when the blush just starts- then exposed to ethylene to induce ripening. They have the color- but not the taste. Also has to do with variety (there being a link between tomatoes with darker shoulders and increased flavor.)
Plant a BIG row of peas.. (btw the wrinkly ones tend to be sweeter.) We had a 30 foot row of just sugar snaps and it wasn't enough.

The store tomatoes are picked when the blush just starts- then exposed to ethylene to induce ripening. They have the color- but not the taste. Also has to do with variety (there being a link between tomatoes with darker shoulders and increased flavor.)
We made the mistake last year of only planting 4 plants, since we didn't know if they were going to survive my gardening skills. We will definitely be planting a bunch this spring, I don't have 30 feet to do rows, but I can do a few rows in the front where my pumpkins are going to be along with my mammoth sunflowers, I like to shade my front window, since I can't have it open, it gives my cats something to watch through the curtain as the little birds eat the seeds and bugs. Right now my female is killing the boy's sock ball. One more year till I get a house, one more year and I get to enjoy the sunshine on my carpet again, and an actual garden spot instead of random places just to get the sun that my garden needs.
Does anyone have any pictures of rain barrels? I want to make use of the run off rain for my future garden and am looking for designs that don't cost too much but won't detract from the aesthetics of the house.

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