
My attitude has always been if it's going to snow let it be enough to close everything down so no one has to go to work. Let there be enough to keep all of us home safe and warm. Of course, this only works if you are prepared for it and you still have to take care of your animals..... But if the roads are closed down, we have no choice but to stay in and sometimes a hot cup of chocolate, coffee, or tea and a good book is just what the doctor ordered!
My attitude has always been if it's going to snow let it be enough to close everything down so no one has to go to work. Let there be enough to keep all of us home safe and warm. Of course, this only works if you are prepared for it and you still have to take care of your animals..... But if the roads are closed down, we have no choice but to stay in and sometimes a hot cup of chocolate, coffee, or tea and a good book is just what the doctor ordered!

Well I just stopped to get more feed and I usually have plenty on hand.
Before I got my chickens I made sure I could snow blow out to the coop cuz I knew I wouldn't be able to shovel.
I've got hot chocolate, coffee and tea. We bought freezer two years ago, but I really should get a generator.

I also have plenty of books. Right now I'm reading East of Eden for the second time. I do get DVD's and books from the library too.

I just like to post pictures.

I make sure the coop furthest away has plenty of feed. Though right now it's laying pellets.

I make sure I snow blow a large area in the beginning in case we get a really big snow. I have to be able to pull my wagon out to the coops too. I've been seeing more tracks than usual. I have my concerned. I had a fox carry off a hen this past fall. I was able to rescue her and she's doing fine.

I love snow, love to look at it and drive in it. I don't get the point of snowmobiling in it, it just messes up the peacefulness of it to me. The oldest loves to make snow men that are only 8 inches tall so we have out own snow gnomes every year for 3 days, then they melt and all the snow is gone. I just wish it would snow heavy like it did when I was a kid, a foot and a half every year for a couple of months was awesome; now we are lucky to get 5 inches for a week.
So pretty rancher, can we come visit? We still have roses blooming, green grass and no leaves.
At that temp this old lady is starting to wilt....................!  I'm originally from the UK, so a temp of 70 was a 'heat wave'!!   :lau

Guess we will just have to stay internet friends then since you would freeze me and I would melt you! I thought "old ladies" moved to Florida? Thin blood and yada yada? Lol this southern girl doesn't mind august temps over 100 degrees as long as it hardly ever gets below zero here!
This southern girl hates the heat. I like the wether here in KENTUCKY. Most of the time it is quite pleasant here. I hate humidity. I'm originally from Tennessee so at least it is about 5 degrees cooler and the humidity isn't as bad. My brother lives in Georgia and I Apsolutely roast alive most of the time when I go to visit him. I mean sweat a rolling !!! LOL
This southern girl hates the heat. I like the wether here in KENTUCKY. Most of the time it is quite pleasant here. I hate humidity. I'm originally from Tennessee so at least it is about 5 degrees cooler and the humidity isn't as bad. My brother lives in Georgia and I Apsolutely roast alive most of the time when I go to visit him. I mean sweat a rolling !!! LOL

I have a cousin in Tennesee, but I haven't seen her in years. My son and his were in AL and I like it there, though they didn't live far enough away from the city. My brothers live in NC and I do like it there. The heat doesn't bother me but DW hates it.
I have to agree with chicken-lady13. I lived most of my life in Arizona. I'm originally from Minnesota, and I just moved for a short time to queensland australia. I went from summer at 115 degrees and dry as a bone to another summer (it's currently summer here) that's maybe 90 on certain days but extremely humid. I missed the green and the cold winters of Minnesota while I was living in the southwest, but now I miss the dryness of Arizona. And the lack of bugs! Winter in Arizona is the best weather I've experienced anywhere. Now if it could be like that all year round, the snowbirds would never leave and house prices would skyrocket, lol. Sorry to barge in. Just missing having a wintery holiday season where I can knit warm stuff and have hot chocolate snuggled under a blanket;)
I know this is a homesteading thread and not my pet house goat thread but.....


Who can resist this smiling face?!? Yes it's a a my house....and? Ended up back at the vet today and FINALLY have some answers! Her rear legs are fine but she has some hair line fractures on the right side of her pelvic bone. I'm going to make her a "goat walker" like a baby walker but for my four legged baby. We are going to do steroids twice a week for awhile. Vet says since she is young and I'm crazy (yes I'm goat crazy at this point go on laugh) that he thought she would walk. She might only walk with three but hey that's ok.

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