Horse club

Oh Gosh, love that! I love a place with history or a story. Do you still have snow?!! Great job gang :love

No, our snow melted early this year. :yesss: We're actually warm. I planted some raspberries in some 5 gal buckets but we got a cold snap so I'm not sure if it killed them. However, I "rescued" more berry plants from Tractor Supply. They're hardening on my porch as we speak. I think I can plant them this week. We're in the 60's on friday. I'll pick up some mulch to help protect them from the cooler night temps.
I can't believe we're as warm as we are. March and April can be bitter cold here. We've had snow as late as mid to late May.
No, our snow melted early this year. :yesss: We're actually warm. I planted some raspberries in some 5 gal buckets but we got a cold snap so I'm not sure if it killed them. However, I "rescued" more berry plants from Tractor Supply. They're hardening on my porch as we speak. I think I can plant them this week. We're in the 60's on friday. I'll pick up some mulch to help protect them from the cooler night temps.
I can't believe we're as warm as we are. March and April can be bitter cold here. We've had snow as late as mid to late May.
I hear ya. I look forward to the rain and cooler temps in winter, our climate can be unpleasantly hot in summer for those who like and need to work outside. This year my side of the island got almost no rain this winter. Now we are already experiencing fires in our dry brush and its not even summer yet. Makes me sad. Well, I do my part by reducing my carbon footprint as much as possible and have influenced those around me to the best of my ability. ;)
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I have a few more questions for horse people:
Does anyone know of a reliable website that has horses for sale?

How expensive is it to keep a horse (not miniature or draft size)?


I hope I get to join you horse owners soon! :)
Does anyone know of a reliable website that has horses for sale?
I buy project horses off of Facebook and craigslist. It doesn't really have to do with websites, just the person selling the horse. Try to get a feeling for the person. See if you trust them etc. You can even make a few trips to visit the horse before you buy it. See if he/she acts the same way every time you see him/her.

How expensive is it to keep a horse (not miniature or draft size)?
It depends on if you have a grazing pasture and how big it is...About 3 or 4 of of my horses can make it during spring on my 10 acre pasture and they actually get fat off it, so I have to get them some grazing muzzles soon.... I do have to get hay bales in the winter though and they go through those FAST! The price of hay went up this past winter so I was paying around 80 dollars per bale..... Then there's the farrier, tack, buckets, grooming brushes, etc... So it all adds up, but once you get all your tack, brushes, etc you don't really pay that much if you have a decent sized pasture..
Aloha horse club,
Just a quick update on the untouched rescued horses, because on BYC we love happy endings. :love
#1 Maka was the first to find his home. A kind, responsible and experienced parent adopted him a few weeks back.

#2 Ottie, recovering from his hernia surgery at the moment, has a buyer and also, a solid back-up buyer, who will purchase #3 Sonny if she can not purchase #2 Ottie. The two mares, Iluna and Bonnie are doing well living the life of Riley. Iluna is forever homed where she is and Bonnie is TBD. Sure beats the meat market! Just thought a few of you folks would like to know.
Two fierce rivals (Sonny to the left and Ottie to the right) sorting things out just days after being gelded.
Ottie in negotiations with the saddle
Showing off his first washing and combing of tail and mane and from the looks of things it is conditioned too! Looking good...
One final try... and ...
saddle wins the negotiations and we're good...

Sorry I did not update sooner, was just so busy with things ;) My DH having some downtime so I will be taking over the training of his little monster who tossed him off again a week or so ago. Yeehaa!
DH may be upgrading to a bombproof beauty till he is 100%. I can totally dig it!!!

Potential reprieve.
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Tis the season! Boys got new fly sheets and boots today! Normally I think them a waste of money for us, it is soooo hot in the summer here, but using it for desensitizing Cisco because he can be such a jumpy little guy, also need him to wear shipping boots when he travels with Hombre. He gets used to fly boots= stress free upgrade to shipping boots, why not? Hombre has been getting bothered by the Botflies on his legs too, this is worth a try.
Hombre has a growth on his neck. Originally thought and treated as a Sarcoid but now i'm concerned and will be traveling to vet on Tuesday to get it removed and biopsied. May be staying for a few at trainers. Always like him to look his best for the trainer, I don't want to get into trouble!!! Probably the last time this sheet will be seen as white. Anybody out there have experience with Sarcoids on their horses? Or other odd growths? Hombre is 5yo.

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