Hot2Pot Crazy Surprise Auction

he is beautiful. would you call him an americauna or an easter egger? what color hens are with this pretty guy? do they produce any splash? and how does this auction work? sorry to seem dense, i am new to this.

and finally, where did your buckeye stock originate?

Sorry I have not been at the computer, busy building a new coop and feeding all the critters, then packing eggs...The white rooster is an Ameraucana, and all three of his hens are white as well, so no splash. But i have produced splash from my Easter Egger Pen. My buckeyes came from a fellow BYC member in Arkansas. Recently I sold all my older hens and bought new pullets locally.
The auction is a per egg auction, so you bid a price and if you win, decide how many you want, then add shipping.

Sorry the auction ended at 9pm. Thanks for bidding! Deb
We have two W/A Eggs from HOT2POT!!!!
After seeing that ROO Deb even said that she is EXCITED as HELLoo
We also JUST Got some Gorgeous BLUE Ameracaunas wooohooo!! Can't wait for those lovelies after seeing that pretty boy!

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