Hot2Pot's Grandchick Thread... chick brother/sister chat~a~long!!! (:

Awsome! Don't forget to take lots and lots and lots of pictures!!!!!
My hatcher is still not acting right. The temps dropped after I put the eggs in. It has hovered at 95. Yesterday it got it to 97 and today I got to 99 for a few hours. I am afraid to move it too much I don't want to cook them again. We will see. Tomorrow is hatch day....
Soooo how did it go, Donna?

I hope your hatcher behaved. I'm guessing with the drop in temp they were possibly a little late to hatch.
Not even a pip yet.... But I have hope still. I think they will be late too. So many little things.... I will check them again Wednesday and if still nothing I may give up....
I really needed those barred rocks......
I had one lonely little bitty Dark Brahma.... what to do with one chick???? I will keep the other in the hatcher and keep tinkering with the temps. I candled them today and so no life in any others.... several looked like quiters when I put them in so I may toss them. One had water in the air sack... what does that mean? I would think humidity was too high but that didn't happen....

I can't wait to get my new digital thermostats so I can set it and forget it.... I hope.....
Donna, did you end up only getting the one chick? I hope you got a couple more so it can have buddy.
Donna, did you end up only getting the one chick? I hope you got a couple more so it can have buddy.

Just the one
another had pipped and died. I didn't even see that it had pipped till I emptied the hatcher. I gave the chick away so he has buddies. I just want to make clear for anyone reading this, I had hatcher issues and could not hold temps. This was in no way a reflection on Hot2Pot's eggs. I think most would have been viable if I had not had low temps in the hatcher.

Thanks for asking!
Oh Lordy there are chickies all OVER the hatcher...some wyandotes,silkies,BA,DB,LO,Mystery eggs,sizzles,Wam's,bantam cochins,lf/cochins, I dunno something so far my favorite to hatch are the wyandottes...isnt that what you said they are HOT? All the mystery ones? SOooo fun and 12 out and about 4 more pipping! AND one so far has dropped dead zipping! GO babies!! 15 more to go and 4 are pipped
Oh Lordy there are chickies all OVER the hatcher...some wyandotes,silkies,BA,DB,LO,Mystery eggs,sizzles,Wam's,bantam cochins,lf/cochins, I dunno something so far my favorite to hatch are the wyandottes...isnt that what you said they are HOT? All the mystery ones? SOooo fun and 12 out and about 4 more pipping! AND one so far has dropped dead zipping! GO babies!! 15 more to go and 4 are pipped


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