
From my experience as well, the nares tell you more about sex than the crest. My avatar had a beautiful rounded crest at first and I thought it was going to be a girl but then turned out to be a male. As you can see his nares are huge. I didn't know about the "nose" thing when they were babes.
Looks like a girl, but each breeder has slightly different tells.
I also thought nares (the nose flare) was a tell for boys. Then the one I picked for huge nares that looked boyish was our most lady like of the bunch and excellent layer. (plus a mommy now)
In other breeders flocks it might be bred into them as a tell, I know life would be easier if it was.

Keep an eye on the comb, if it gets deep red and stays that way then you have a boy. If it stays the color it is now then its a girl even if the comb gets bigger.
Later about 2 months + the girls combs will get very red and grow some. The boys will grow very rapid and it should have been red for a while before 2 months (usually 3 to 5 weeks)
I keep a close eye on the comb from birth. With our genes you can get a good idea after the first week. Not 100% but a good 75% correct. Usually by week 3 we have it up to 90% right on sex. There's always one or two who's mission is to surprise us.

Hope it helps

(minor edits for clarity)
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I've been following this thread lately and would like to know what appeals to you about the Houdans. What makes them special to you?

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