How about a Thread for Embdens?

Still not eating their food.
Any other suggestions?
Will they eventually eat or will they be stubborn and starve to death? :(

Hmm.. do they eat from your hand? Or take things from you if you hold it near them? If so try that. Maybe they don't realize that is their food. They might just know that grass is their food as they are deff naturally born grazers.
Does anyone know if anyone on here sells embdens? It seems this is a breed that no one sells lol. It seems the only places I've found are hatcheries and I only need a few and don't want to pay the very expensive small order charge.
Does anyone know if anyone on here sells embdens? It seems this is a breed that no one sells lol. It seems the only places I've found are hatcheries and I only need a few and don't want to pay the very expensive small order charge.
Have you looked on the Buy sell trade section of BYC? I have an Embden gander and a Toulouse goose who is sitting on eggs but these will be mixed obviously. and what state are you in?

Does anyone know if this is an embden goose or something else it was sold to me as a white chinese goose its 4 months old by the way
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Here it is swimming you cant really see the gray in this picture
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I tend to think Embden. If it is I would guess female. Only because of the amount of grey. Female Embdens carry more grey than males. Once they are mature they are all white of course.
Have you looked on the Buy sell trade section of BYC? I have an Embden gander and a Toulouse goose who is sitting on eggs but these will be mixed obviously. and what state are you in?

I have but have only found pilgrim, Toulouse and something else. No luck with embdens. I live in Brother N.Y. I bet Sammy and Missy will have some beautiful babies :) I am deff interested in what they would turn out to look like.

Edited: I mean Northern N.Y. not brother. I hate autocorrect lol
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