How hot is too hot for a rabbit? over 100 degress here......

thanks for the fast replies! I just put him back outside...we're having some pretty well needed thunderstorms here and the temps are back down to 89 degrees. I have a wire cat condo we don't use so I may make that his summertime home inside with us. We'll see what the the DH says. This bunny has had a rough start in life and isn't really very friendly with people but I sure love him!

Since rabbits cool themselves off thru their ears I'd say you're going to need to bring him inside for the summer, unless you can hook up a mister or swamp cooler for your porch (Is it an enclosed porch?)

Mine are usually fine here in NY up to about 90, at that point I start checking mine and will wet ears if its too bad, I check mine about every half hour or so if its abouve 90, since it doesn't take long for them to go down from heat stroke.

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