How hot is too hot for a rabbit? over 100 degress here......


11 Years
Apr 26, 2008
Cypress, Texas
Its almost 3:00 here and 101 degrees outside. Our rabbit lives in a hutch on our shaded back porch but I noticed alittle bit ago he was panting and his mouth and nose were wet. I just brought him inside and have a temporary house made up in our bathtub
I did this yesterday too because I was so afraid of him having a heat stroke. Alittle history on him...He is almost a year and doesn't have any ears (his mom ate them off when he was a baby). I posted some pictures on here right after I got him. I've tried the frozen water bottles, he just pushes them into his litter box, he won't lay against them. Am I overreacting or will he be fine outside?
I wonder if you could put a soaker hose or mister above his hutch to provide a little cool water for him. I think that he should be okay with cool water to drink, and shade provided. It is really hot here as well, so I understand your concern.
One of my friend's rabbit died within 2 hrs in a NY heat of maybe 90 degrees (but NY have big humidity)
Your rabbit is suffering right now - help him by taking him to your house for a while to cool off.
Oh....I was in such a rush to reply (to save the rabbit
), that I didn't read your finishing sentences!
You did GOOD by taking him inside!
We live in Maine so it doesnt get super hot here. We use the forzen water bottles & fans to keep air circulated. Since he doesn't like the water bottles maybe try a wet towel for him to lay on???
Rabbits use their ears for heat regulation, so yeah - that kind of heat is *dangerous* for any rabbit, and more so for him. If you can keep him inside, do. A dog crate, a plain wire cage, anything will work for summer.
I get concerned for my buns when it gets over 90 or they start panting. Mine like the frozen soda bottles, but I also use frozen floor tiles for them to lie on top of. Also, make sure they are in a shaded area. Maybe try a mister with a fan? They are pretty cheap online and attatch to a garden hose. But for 100, I would keep him inside if you can during the warmest part of the day.
A rabbit without ears is in extreme danger in the heat. Good that you brought him inside. He'll need to stay in a cooled area during the hot weather.

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