How many eggs do you get weekly? What do you do with the extra eggs?

I'm only getting 4 per day so far but should be at 12 soon. Eggs are $4.69/dz here. Ca made some new laws that ran egg farmers out of the state and restricts eggs brought into the state. So...we have a community FB buy sell trade page where we share our fresh eggs with neighbors for $3./dz. I plan to reserve 4dz per week for the nearby women's shelter.
My apologies! I had no idea the numbers had risen that high. Devastating to say the least. I consider myself lucky that nothing has been reported yet in our state. I have been watching my birds like a hawk.
My apologies! I had no idea the numbers had risen that high. Devastating to say the least. I consider myself lucky that nothing has been reported yet in our state. I have been watching my birds like a hawk.
Oh goodness! Please no apology. It just happened that I was reading a thread this am and researching right before I dropped by this thread so I thought I'd share.
We had a devastating outbreak here in So Cal in 2000-2001 where they were knocking on doors asking if we had any birds of any kind. We so far, knock on wood, are not at risk. In Mi, boy...but the one article said they are worried about migratory birds spreading it south.
So to tie this back in with the thread, I planned to donate my extra eggs, but at $4.69/dz here I have MANY friends and neighbors waiting in line to buy them! Most stores are limiting purchases to 2 dz and still running out.
I would charge 30-40% more than your feed costs per dozen. it would seem like a perfect price and you still can make some money.

Hope this helped!
I would charge 30-40% more than your feed costs per dozen. it would seem like a perfect price and you still can make some money.

Hope this helped!
That's so true. I need to. This egg shortage has caused a bit of an ahh-haa moment for the semi city-slickers (suburb-slickers) around here. Folks that a year ago might have been against BYC's are begging for fresh eggs. It's a great trend.
I can honestly say we haven't checked grocery store prices as yet. I sell to our egg customers @ $1.75 per dozen but usually get $2.00 and told to keep the change. Surprisingly, there has been no egg shortage here as yet.
The whole state canceled any bird shows and County fair activities involving migratory and farm fowl (chicken). Pretty serious stuff!
This is where I get concernes. I like the idea of free ranging all the time.
If you have a really large coop and run and not let the hens free range too much I think that would cut down on exposure to other birds that could be carrying diseases. So I have a large run that is split into two areas, 12x12 and a 5x5 area. That is for four hens and I want six total soon. That's plenty of roaming space and keeps me more comfy
I have 18 hens and get 5 to 10 eggs a day right now (depending on what the rat snakes take...). We give a lot away. We also use some for dog food.
II live in 98 degree weather in nw Texas also I have 15 pullets that have just begun to lay i am frustrated because I think the extreme heat is delaying the laying process what does everyone think....oh...pullets are less than 23 weeks old only gather 3 eggs per day out of # 15 young hens is this normal?
II live in 98 degree weather in nw Texas also I have 15 pullets that have just begun to lay i am frustrated because I think the extreme heat is delaying the laying process what does everyone think....oh...pullets are less than 23 weeks old only gather 3 eggs per day out of # 15 young hens is this normal?

You didn't mention what breed you have but hens start laying at different ages and some of yours may not yet be ready to lay. Have their combs reddened up? Are they squatting? I've had some that didn't start laying until over eight months old although 6 months is about the average.
I have some a week less than 4 months and their combs are still pale so I'm not expecting eggs form them for a bit.

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