How much did you spend on your DIY coop?

As illustrated in Compost King's excellent post, great coops can be very affordable. If you have the nonprofit organization Habitat for Humanity in your area, they often have a "Re-Store" where they sell salvaged and donated materials. Otherwise, yes it adds up so fast your head will spin. I didn't keep track on our 8x8 cattle panel coop. We had most of the plywood and the roofing, otherwise it still came out to quite a bit. I don't want to know.
So far I'm in about 300 to 350. But I bought all the 2x4 at auction for a steal. Oh and I had 3 rolls of chicken wire
I spent zero dollars, haha. But seriously, I got lucky. Here in Texas we have a real cowbird problem so in some areas the state gave out free 8x12x8 metal cowbird traps for your property. I managed to get my hands on one and made some simple conversions (Sealed the hole where the cowbirds came in and added roosts) and it’s the best coop I’ve ever had. No predators attacks in over a year, where with my old coop they happened monthly.
I spent zero dollars, haha. But seriously, I got lucky. Here in Texas we have a real cowbird problem so in some areas the state gave out free 8x12x8 metal cowbird traps for your property. I managed to get my hands on one and made some simple conversions (Sealed the hole where the cowbirds came in and added roosts) and it’s the best coop I’ve ever had. No predators attacks in over a year, where with my old coop they happened monthly.
I wish I had known that. I'm in texas and would've checked into it.
I have no idea of my total cost. I would say close to 1500.00. Not including what was bought for me.
If I would stop expanding then it wouldn't be so much!
I did get the first coop as a gift from MIL(I know she paid way too much from My Pet Chicken)
I did the second expansion with smaller wood from Home Depot.(mistake)
3rd expansion, was my own challenge to myself. I wanted all free wood, so I became friend with the super of a home builder that is building a huge planned neighborhood near us. Wow those guys waste so much good wood.
I could have done the 4th expansion with free wood again, however my dad got involved and Bless his heart, he wasn't patient enough for me to scrounge the wood. So he went to Home Depot, used his military veteran I'd and received a 10% discount on the wood.
The major costs are the hardware cloth.
Never buy it at Home Depot. I found a great deal on both Amazon, and eBay.
I found a Craigslist add for storage crates here in
Houston that was selling them for $ 125.00 for a 5x7 wooden crate. I wish I had bought 2.
Here are some pics:
I just finished building my new coop. My brother and I did it in the garage over the winter. It is 4x12 and I did use all new lumber and materials. I should have kept track but I believe I have about $850-$1000 invested into it. Ours is built in 6 pieces (3 bases and 3 tops) we just got it out of the garage a couple weeks ago and pre-assembled it to pre-drill all the fastening bolt holes before moving it around back. You can see my build here

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