How To Raise A Rooster


This is a picture of my 2 speckled Sussex roosters we ended up with once all were grown. We were awaiting delivery of 12mixed breed chicks in the mail, their delivery date was the beginning of May (we just couldn't stand the wait once tractor supply started getting their babies in in the spring) They were all so cute in their little tubs. We ended up getting 6 chicks the week of Easter 2013, 3 Speckled Sussex straight run 3 red pullets. I was very nervous about the fact that two of the speckled ended up to be roosters. I had a rooster in the past and he was SO mean. once I suspected we had roosters I started reading everything I could about the temperament of the speckled Sussex, everything I read said they were very curious and friendly, needless to say this was a great relief to me! These boys are 6 months old now and are as sweet as everyone has said they would be. Yes there is one dominant one who makes sure all the girls are safe and goes running anytime someone squawks but they get along very well and even let the dog join the flock while foraging in the yard. They are so funny when they get in the woods between ours and our neighbors house and start crowing I go out onto the porch and call GIRLS and they all come running like dogs with the boys in the lead, or course they know they always get a treat any time I call for them! I love my chickens! AND MY BOYS:)
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This is a picture of my 2 speckled Sussex roosters we ended up with once all were grown. We were awaiting delivery of 12mixed breed chicks in the mail, their delivery date was the beginning of May (we just couldn't stand the wait once tractor supply started getting their babies in in the spring) They were all so cute in their little tubs. We ended up getting 6 chicks the week of Easter 2013, 3 Speckled Sussex straight run 3 red pullets. I was very nervous about the fact that two of the speckled ended up to be roosters. I had a rooster in the past and he was SO mean. once I suspected we had roosters I started reading everything I could about the temperament of the speckled Sussex, everything I read said they were very curious and friendly, needless to say this was a great relief to me! These boys are 6 months old now and are as sweet as everyone has said they would be. Yes there is one dominant one who makes sure all the girls are safe and goes running anytime someone squawks but they get along very well and even let the dog join the flock while foraging in the yard. They are so funny when they get in the woods between ours and our neighbors house and start crowing I go out onto the porch and call GIRLS and they all come running like dogs with the boys in the lead, or course they know they always get a treat any time I call for them! I love my chickens! AND MY BOYS:)

Very pretty! I am glad they are good boys. I have a confirmed silver laced Polish male. So far he is a good boy at the tender age of 9 weeks. He leads the girls to bed at night and they all follow-its cute!
Random question but, what comes first egg laying or allowing the rooster to mate with her? I am waiting ever so patiently for my 2 cream legbars to start laying, and today for the first time my one legbar allowed the rooster to mate her, so does this mean there are hidden eggs and she has already started laying or does it means she is ready to lay and will start soon?
My pullets aren't laying yet but I've seen the Roo mate with 3 of them. Hopefully those girls are going to start earning their keep before long!
Are they actually allowing him to mate or does he have to catch and force them? Because they mature faster and want to mate sooner so the hens get ummm forced before they are ready.
My too does a little dance, then my hens squat and he mounts them, my roo is only a bantam though bless him, looks so funny as they are twice his size at least, he is 5 weeks younger than my all my young girls except my polish who is the same age, and the only young girl he doesn't try and mate with bit they are always together, my 3 old ex batts don't entertain him at all, and he is scared of them lol x

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