How to tell a 4yo that you ate their drake...

Depending on how long you've had him, I'd tell the parents that the drake isn't working out. Then they can decide if they'd like to find him another home or if you keep him, then he's yours to eat. You can let them know that you aren't opposed to eating meat. That way they'll know and can tell the child themselves. But it might ruin your relationship.
Thanks y'all!!! I'll figure out what to do... I think we'll just butcher him and hope they don't notice. ;) I think once a person relinquishes and animal, it's the person who they gave it to's animal to do what they want. They needed us to take him, we didn't really want them ;)
Do not tell a little 4 year old that you ate her duck, it would be cruel. She'll learn soon enough what a cruel and unfair world it is, but it certainly is not a neighbors place to tell a 4 year old something hurtful. What you can do, is like has been suggested, that you tell her he flew away and must have gone to a pond or river or lake somewhere and must be very happy there. Seems like a no-brainer.
He "flew away" to a nice big pond.

No death, no eating. Clue the parents in first.

But the kids going to ask questions about that. They're going to want to go see the duck at the pond then

Tell the parents to deal with it? It's not your job, and they shouldn't expect you to have to lie for them.

Thanks y'all!!! I'll figure out what to do... I think we'll just butcher him and hope they don't notice. ;) I think once a person relinquishes and animal, it's the person who they gave it to's animal to do what they want. They needed us to take him, we didn't really want them ;)

When I sell mine I assume that they are going to be eaten, so hopefully the parents have taken this into consideration. Since they are your neighbor, you might want to give them the option of taking him back so they can rehome him.


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